今日聽pp959內7/28既podcast, 聽到同工余子麟quote以前JJ959一個主持人的一個blog post,提及我地身上既疤痕...
有一天, 我到超市買了一支去疤的藥膏. 逛了很久也找不到想買的藥膏, 便跑去問了一問櫃檯的服務員.
他想了一想,然後說「你去化妝品部門」我聽了他的回答後, 我說「我不是要蓋疤, 我希望疤真的可以去掉」
他想了一想, 然後又說「那你去藥房那邊試試看..」
我去到藥房問了一下藥劑師, 她介紹了一支可以「六個禮拜完全去疤」的藥膏
可是她拿起藥膏後, 跟我說「這種藥膏應該不可能完全去疤...我想大概去80%左右..」
我把褲子拉起,讓他看看我之前跌傷的膝蓋. 他說「那你可以買去試試看, 不過那麼大的傷口, 之後的疤應該很久才會消失」
雖然最近都在省錢, 不過為了膝蓋的疤趕快消失, 我決定買下那一支藥膏.
自從之前在加油站被自己的腳絆倒而跌倒受傷後, 我每天都會看著自己的膝蓋, 嘆著氣說自己笨,還不斷的問自己「怎麼那麼大一個人也會這樣的跌倒?我是白癡啊!」
痛是很痛, 尤其自己又是那一種粗心的人, 所以經常不小心磨到傷口, 搞到傷口久久也不好起來..
看到傷口, 我覺得無奈極了.
因為它提醒了我自己的笨, 自己的粗心大意, 還時常提醒著受傷後那幾天洗澡時的痛苦, 走路時也是一柺一柺的..
傷口本來就是會自然的好起來. 人類的構造本來就是可以讓受過的傷口自己的復原, 不過卻因為自己的任性和不自律而讓傷口越來越深. 有時侯還因為手太閒太無聊而去抓本來已經好得七七八八的傷口. 就這樣, 傷口又再流血, 再痛...這樣, 疤就越來越深了...
過了一段時間, 我看著傷口, 開始害怕之後疤會永遠都留在我的膝蓋上, 開始後悔, 開始自責
傷口已經不痛了, 血也沒有再流了. 其實每一次自己把傷口抓到流血, 也都沒有之前一次那麼痛了..而因為這樣, 我才知道我正在痊癒當中..
雖然傷口不痛了, 但我卻很介意留下來的疤痕.
雖然已經不會再影響著我的日常生活, 當沒有仔細留意的時候, 我甚至不會察覺它的存在
但疤卻仍然留著, 每逢當我注意到的時候, 也會提醒了我自己曾經跌倒的一次經歷..又或者在夏天穿裙子的時候, 照著鏡子時總是會覺得很不對勁, 那個疤很礙眼.
那我就希望有一天, 自己看到的時候不要再覺得膝蓋很醜...
我覺得 我慢慢也不太在意了
雖然還是不好看, 看到的時候還是有一點觸景傷情...不過, 已經不太記得發生甚麼事了..
反省返自己的生活裡,其實都有好多的疤痕。不單是痕,甚至我有時懷疑我的傷口究竟埋左口未...有時候,我知道我好想去疤,點知其實只係用緊化妝品蓋疤,仲要係裡面已經含濃,自欺欺人地去以為自己已經無事... 點知...
世人行動實係幻影。他們忙亂,真是枉然。積聚財富,不知將來有誰收取﹖Surely a man egoes about as a shadow! Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather! (詩篇Ps39:6)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
insights are what our strategies built on
In today's Toronto Star report of Michael Bryant's case, mentioned the Navigator Limited, the smooth public relations firm hired by Bryant.
Although Bryant's case interest me a lot, catching my eyes more is what the reporter describing the PR firm.
Quote: 'Navigator isn't shy on its website: "Clients have praised us for our ability to take an issue that has been looked at, sometimes for years, and radically shift perspective to reveal new insights. These fresh insights are what our strategies are built on."'
As Christians, we always talk about visions. However, not many vision can be translated into a real and practical picture. Many visions die silently because we try to put our vision into our goals and actions. Well, this seems alright, what's wrong with this?
Strategy is the missing link. The same issue, the same goal, different strategies bring different timing, and definitely different outcome.
As in another Toronto Star report "Traffic signs can make streets dangerous" said, "We look to signs to give us instruction – tell us our rights – rather than making decisions based on the actions of other..."
Its not about what strategy used will be the best, but its the willingness to bear the consequence of the strategy one used.
"We defend rights, but what tends to get left out of the equation are any associated responsibilities. We have a right to vote, for instance, but no real sense that we also have a responsibility to make a serious study of the issues at hand." Toronto Star report reminding us.
We have the right to use any strategy we want, good or bad, and no strategy is actually another strategy, agree or not. However, at the same time, we have the responsibility to take whatever outcome from this strategy and face it.
We tends to blame others when things failed, but the Bible clearly teaches us: Don't try to do anything to impress other human but God.
After all, this may be the best strategy for us to learn throughout our lives.
Although Bryant's case interest me a lot, catching my eyes more is what the reporter describing the PR firm.
Quote: 'Navigator isn't shy on its website: "Clients have praised us for our ability to take an issue that has been looked at, sometimes for years, and radically shift perspective to reveal new insights. These fresh insights are what our strategies are built on."'
As Christians, we always talk about visions. However, not many vision can be translated into a real and practical picture. Many visions die silently because we try to put our vision into our goals and actions. Well, this seems alright, what's wrong with this?
Strategy is the missing link. The same issue, the same goal, different strategies bring different timing, and definitely different outcome.
As in another Toronto Star report "Traffic signs can make streets dangerous" said, "We look to signs to give us instruction – tell us our rights – rather than making decisions based on the actions of other..."
Its not about what strategy used will be the best, but its the willingness to bear the consequence of the strategy one used.
"We defend rights, but what tends to get left out of the equation are any associated responsibilities. We have a right to vote, for instance, but no real sense that we also have a responsibility to make a serious study of the issues at hand." Toronto Star report reminding us.
We have the right to use any strategy we want, good or bad, and no strategy is actually another strategy, agree or not. However, at the same time, we have the responsibility to take whatever outcome from this strategy and face it.
We tends to blame others when things failed, but the Bible clearly teaches us: Don't try to do anything to impress other human but God.
After all, this may be the best strategy for us to learn throughout our lives.
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