Friday, January 25, 2008

瞓身 - 高皓正


情信要是會寄失 寄一百封都不會甜蜜
和我晚飯也吃得委屈 見得太多開始變質
所以不斷問自己 有沒有將最好盡力地捐贈給你

但求全身瞓下去 天真到無懼被連累
若想被愛 要先愛人 不惜去盡情被搾取
給你無條件愛下去 只須你仍舊 留我在身邊寄居

如要愛就要固執 或者撐得多一個回合
嫌棄我令我更加專一 或許你欣賞這美德
可笑的越是認真 我越覺得愛戀像末日一樣黑暗
然而未吻別過我就能繼續煩惱自尋 贊助你兩個的吻

但求全身瞓下去 天真到無懼被連累
若想被愛 要先愛人 不惜去盡情被搾取
給你無條件愛下去 只須你仍舊 留我在身邊寄居


想繼續全身瞓下去 天生愛疲累才渴睡
甚麼是愛 到底愛誰 都只有別人被讚許
戀愛唯求給你樂趣 儘管太殘酷 無悔負擔這創舉
能娛樂過你 誰介意與你登不登對

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Maple Leaf GM Ferguson fired

Finally, Maple Leaf fired their GM Ferguson.

"After full consideration of the Leafs' situation, it has become clear that change and a new direction is needed,'' stated MLSE President and CEO Richard Peddie at a press conference held at the Air Canada Centre Tuesday. "Regrettably, we did not win enough games to reach our goal, winning the Stanley Cup."

New direction? Wasn't that our direction is to win the Stanley Cup? Oops... sorry, that is our goal. Yes, direction is how to reach that goal.

Yes, we need new direction, not a new goal.

"Our ideal candidate will be a long-term builder and a short-term fixer who has an established track record of success on the ice," explained Peddie. "Along with experience and extensive knowledge in the areas of drafting and identifying talent in the professional, amateur and international ranks, this individual will be comfortable with the intense scrutiny within the Toronto hockey market and will work effectively with the media.

"He will have the full autonomy to lead this hockey club in the manner he feels is best," added Peddie.

Well, I really pray that he can really find (and better he finds) the right person in his mindset. Always, right person at the right position. Otherwise, everything is just another show, another myth, another lie in front of the camera, but no real things are on the ground.

Go Leafs Go...!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reflect again

During Sunday cell group, we watch the movie "Evan Almighty". This is the fourth time for me to see this movie, everytime got me into some reflections and emotions.

In the movie, God ask Evan to built an ark in prepare for the flood coming up on Sept 22. Despite having to give up some of his dream job, Evan built an ark on time: Sept 22 midday. But on September 22, it comes with clear skies, and Evan loads the hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with clear skies, so spectators start jeering at him. Dark clouds appear and rain starts pouring down. Evan tells everyone to board the ark but no one listens. The rain suddenly stops and everyone starts laughing at Evan. Even Joan, Evan's wife, tells Evan to leave the ark, but Evan refused.

The flood finally did come when the dam then breaks and the crowd witnesses the flood of water approaching. Panic overtakes everyone and they board the ark. The ark sails down the streets of Washington D.C. from the flooded water of the burst lake until it eventually lands touching the front of the Capitol. At the end, God reappears to Evan, telling him that the way to change the world is by doing one Act of Random Kindness ("ARK") at a time

Sometimes, I really don't know why God is asking me to do this and that, like Evan doesn't know about the reason for the ark. I just know that there is a day like Sept 22, that something will happen.

But when is the time for this day to come...?


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Encouragement from God

A song during this morning worship inspire me today. Its a song of encouragement from God which represent my prayer.

我的主是你的教導:「儆醒禱告, 不要灰心。」
我的主, 是你的話語:「只需相信, 必可得到。」

也許今天不見動靜, 彷彿找不到一點跟蹤影,
教我心堅固, 完全相信, 神賜下的應許;

求告你的必不至失望, 尋找便必找得到;
求賜我信心, 開心中的眼, 讓我看那不可見的你。

Friday, January 11, 2008

心中的不安 ?!?!

This morning when I was driving in downtown, some emotions came out from my heart when I saw those street-sleepers.

Watching them having an afternoon nap after their lunch, I am asking God, why...? Why some people doing nothing, still having a more steady life than I do...?

I work and work, what have I done wrong...? Why I am still having a lower income than those who are sitting there and doing nothing but bu__ shi__ing... and claiming the fault on others but not themselves? Why they will have a better reputation then I have? Why people still think that they are doing a better job than I do?

God, should I change my style? I am stuck. I am no where.
Why? Honestly, I don't think I have that kind of spirituality that superior than others, but for sure I don't think I am that far with you... then why? Why you award them when high post and salary, and I am still working dead out there and having one small salary which not even able to pay for the enjoyment of having a family trip for Vanacouver during Christmas holiday...?!?!?!

Why...? God, I need the answer...

And as my thoughts still flying... God answer me. (This is always the part I lovely hated, as God always answer my prayer...!!!)

With my CD player playing the song 煙火 of 光良... I have to apologize to God.

是否還記得 一起看煙火 我在你眼裡 看到閃爍
冷冽的寒風 把你吹向我 抱你在我懷中 沒想太多

愛情裡的心動常常讓我難以去捉摸 付出感情太多 原來多情人 總被傷的最重

想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念

冷冽的寒風 把你吹向我 抱你在我懷中 沒想太多

愛情裡的心動常常讓我難以去捉摸 付出感情太多 原來多情人 總被傷的最重

想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念

我的心情今天已換了季 天邊出現彩虹
晴朗陽光灑在我的天空 閃爍
像是笑著告訴我 愛到最後是寬容

想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念
還有你陪我走過這一切 記憶中裡 那些微笑的臉

Seems like God is asking me... "Why you always try to compare yourselve with others...? Did I not giving you grace enough...?"

"You have a car, a family, a job... its already better than many of the people, some of them even wealthier than you. Don't you think you have a happier life than most of those you envy with...?"

"Don't you just enjoy the lovely relationship between you and me?"
"My lovely child, just don't leave me... you will enjoy the intimacy...!

Sigh, this is the fun part of being a Christian, who believe in God, you are not 阿Q, but you really can get the answer from God. God will always care about me, and give me the best I should have. Kelvin, just calm down, don't worry. Justice will always be in God's world.


不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走

Bookhouse is closing out... finally... its really gone.

不捨得... 不捨得... 不捨 不得...

不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走
恨我找不住痴情 不敢牽你手
不捨得你 不捨得你 為何開不了口
為著發覺 你夢中想要的 而我沒有

我明瞭 你不能留 縱使付出多少 也不回頭
我明瞭 你不能留 縱使付出多少 到底分手

共你別去 說聲珍重 再沒有可求
恨我找不住痴情 不敢牽你手
不捨得你 不捨得你 為何開不了口
為著發覺 我夢中想要的 已被帶走

不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走

Thursday, January 10, 2008

AFC Book House Closeout

Public Announcement from the Board of Directors
Ambassadors for Christ in Canada
(January 10, 2008)

For the past 30 years, the Gospel Book House has been a parallel ministry of Ambassadors For Christ in association with the student ministry. In recent years, while we have experienced the increasing need and rapid development on the side of student ministry, we also see that quite a number of Christian bookstores have been established, and have aptly filled the need for Chinese Christian literature in the Greater Toronto Area. The Board of Directors, after careful consideration, has decided to discontinue the operation of the Gospel Book House (effective March 1, 2008), for the purpose of directing the resources to the development of student ministry. The board would like to thank everyone for all their support and contributions to the Gospel Book House over all these years. A closeout clearance sale will begin immediately. For further information, please contact (416)494-7171 or visit AFC website


「加拿大基督使者協會」之福音書屋,服事眾教會已經超過三十年,其運作與學生福音事工平衡發展。惟近年學生福音事工之需要及發展激增,亦見本市有不少基督教書房相繼投入服務,屬靈書籍供應充足。有鑑及此,「使者」董事會經慎重考慮後,議決於2008年3月1日起,停止福音書屋之運作,而將「使者」資源集中於發展學生福音事工。在此感謝主內同道多年來對「福音書屋」之支持。書屋於即日起將進行結業清貨大減價。如有任何查詢,請致電(416)494-7171或瀏覽本會網頁 。謹此敬告,祈為垂注。

AFC Gospel Book House Closeout Clearance Sale

All Bibles, Books & Audio Visual items 30% off
All Greeting Cards & Gift Items 40 % off
Discontinued Books $1.00 each
Selected items up to 60 % off
All sales are final, no return and exchange

使者福音書屋 結業清貨大減價

所有聖經 ,書籍及影音產品 7 折
所有禮品 6 折
斷版書籍 $1.00
其他貨品最低減至 4 折
所有貨品 不設退換

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Heading to Panama

After weeks of wandering around... my mission plan to Panama finally be finalized.

I will be heading to Panama from Feb 5 to Mar 3.

My "four objectives" for this trip...
First week: Help to prepare the boat trip program and be the "messenger"
Second week: Panama Summer Youth camp
Third week: Help the fellowship to set up and prepare for an upcoming chinese camp
Forth: Help the second generation (PBC) in their christian growing

Please pray for me...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Thank you Tony...

Really thank you for having a very successful cosmetic surgery on the head of my wife. The job was done wonderfully and I cannot ask more from you. You really help her to look great again... THANK YOU...!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008...!

I am so happy because I have a wonderful start in the year of 2008. It starts fresh from the very first hour...!

Thank you for giving me such a memorable moment. You know who you are... THANK YOU...!