Saturday, September 05, 2009

insights are what our strategies built on

In today's Toronto Star report of Michael Bryant's case, mentioned the Navigator Limited, the smooth public relations firm hired by Bryant.

Although Bryant's case interest me a lot, catching my eyes more is what the reporter describing the PR firm.

Quote: 'Navigator isn't shy on its website: "Clients have praised us for our ability to take an issue that has been looked at, sometimes for years, and radically shift perspective to reveal new insights. These fresh insights are what our strategies are built on."'

As Christians, we always talk about visions. However, not many vision can be translated into a real and practical picture. Many visions die silently because we try to put our vision into our goals and actions. Well, this seems alright, what's wrong with this?

Strategy is the missing link. The same issue, the same goal, different strategies bring different timing, and definitely different outcome.

As in another Toronto Star report "Traffic signs can make streets dangerous" said, "We look to signs to give us instruction – tell us our rights – rather than making decisions based on the actions of other..."

Its not about what strategy used will be the best, but its the willingness to bear the consequence of the strategy one used.

"We defend rights, but what tends to get left out of the equation are any associated responsibilities. We have a right to vote, for instance, but no real sense that we also have a responsibility to make a serious study of the issues at hand." Toronto Star report reminding us.

We have the right to use any strategy we want, good or bad, and no strategy is actually another strategy, agree or not. However, at the same time, we have the responsibility to take whatever outcome from this strategy and face it.

We tends to blame others when things failed, but the Bible clearly teaches us: Don't try to do anything to impress other human but God.

After all, this may be the best strategy for us to learn throughout our lives.

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