Monday, February 26, 2007

Panama Update #5

Dear all,

It was a weekend with a lot of grace and thanksgiving for me.

On Friday, while attending a workshop by another short term mission team from Toronto, I have a chance to chat with a young lady who had marriage problem. She is willing to believe in Jesus, but the problem is she does not understand how Jesus can help her. She did not convert at the end, but she agrees to come to church more to learn more.

Saturday morning, we visit a family whose son turn to Christ half year ago. They did not agree their son to go to church, so we pay a visit to them and try to understand the reason. The scheduled 30-mins visit turned out to be a 3.5 hours tour about Christianity. From why going to church, to what is Christianity, to why not going to church. The chat is wonderful as the father agrees to let his son to go to Church (although he still not agrees with Christianity). May his son be the blessing of the family.

Second visit of the day came to a teen call Chiu. He was in the Chinese youth camp and turned to Christ two years ago. However, during this period, he had gone to church only occasionally. This time I try to connect him with one of the Alliance church close to his home. He did go to church with me on Sunday, but pray that he will connect with the church and start going there regularly.

In the evening, after sharing at the 6th anniversary of the youth fellowship, a medical student who came from HK a long while ago came to me and we have an hour of discussion about Christianity. Thanks God for opening his heart during the discussion. He almost made the decision, but he back off at the very last minute. I believe God has His own timing. Please pray for him and hope that he can convert in a short while.

Sunday night, I went out with the youth group to a place called Amador. A long walk with seashore on both side of the road and can clearly see the sunset. The night was wonderful as not only I have the chance to chat with them on the 2 hour walk, but I also experience the first ever dinner-karaoke in Panama…!

10 more days in Panama, please keep praying for me and the ministry here in Panama. Thanks.

In Christ,

1 comment:

Bonbon said...

Hey, I'm just curious, have you heard of Hamilton Chinese Alliance Church? I used to go to that Church and I know they were heavily involved in planting Chinese Churches in Panama. Thank you for sharing about your missions trip to Panama.