Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

First of all, I have to thank all of you who give me caring and encouragement after knowing of my accident today. Really appreciate.

Here is the accident this morning. I went to pick up my colleage for TCEMF (Toronto Ministrial Fellowship). When I drive out of her side street for less than 30 seconds, there was a car on the opposite lane missed the curve of the road and slipped while braking and slammed into the driver side of my car.

As you can see in the photos (click here), the driver's doors are badly damaged. Hopefully the middle pillar of the car is ok, otherwise... sigh...

Thanks to the Lord is that it did not hit my car split second earlier, otherwise, it may go deeper into the driver door and I might have been injured by then. Now, so fortunately that nobody in both cars are hurt. Praise the Lord.

Now my baby is in hospital and waiting for the doctor to see what exactly is happening to her and... sigh...

Well, God let it happens and there must be a reason for it.

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