Wednesday, October 31, 2007















2005年四月三日(陰):「今天在網上的討論區開了一個標題–「關於宋哲緯?」每打一個字,手總覺得是非常沉重,問自己,這樣做! 有用嗎?自己是想尋找這個人嗎?還是……只希望確定他的心意就夠了?」











「不管是哪時候,我都喜歡妳,我也想讓妳知道我的心意。」同時也在女孩的網誌,播放出了S H E 的『天灰』

《如果你不再出現 我的世界 還有什麼可貴
可惜不夠時間 讓我們試驗 什麼叫永遠
想念變成懷念 心動變成心碎
偏偏還會關切 你最後屬於誰

我的天空今天有點灰 我的心是個落葉的季節
 我不知道如何度過今夜 所有的燈早已經全都熄滅
如果你從沒出現 我會不會 覺得快樂一些
可惜殘忍時間 總要把諾言 一點點摧毀》




2005年11月29日,小安留:「他好像有繼續畫畫,後來畢業了,考上美術系。系上劇! 團的海報,都是找他幫忙畫的,我們跟他很熟呢,你想找他嗎?」






『如果你不再出現 我的世界 還有什麼可貴
可惜不夠時間 讓我們試驗 什麼叫永遠』
時間的催促,讓我們沒時間去試驗 什麼叫永遠,是這樣嗎?


Jenny筆 11.30







Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy... Not Happy

Happy today, as I can safely arrive home... :)
Not happy, as my luggages were all rip off inside out by the US security... they took out my sample size samples by the airlines whick i carried around for the whole trip. Pass though all the check point, but not the last one... They also broke the luggage lock of one of two checked bags... They unpack the the other checked bag, rearranged but badly repacked, my cleansing form were leaked, making all the stuff dirty, luckly can clean...:(

Happy, got back home and finally can enjoy my TV... :)
Not happy, all the last few weeks recordings were mistakenly recorded as SAP and not Cantonese... :(

Happy, seeing all my brothers and sisters... :)
Not happy, knowing some of them are now in difficulties... :(

Happy, back home... :)
Not happy, home alone... :(

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Boston Trip Oct 20

My photo albums for today

Quincy Market
Pumpkin Festival

HK -> Boston

24 hours in flight and airport really mean something: TIRED.

Everything goes ok, until arriving at Chicago. The flight to Boston was delayed, but even after boarding, another 1.5 hours. Finally we arrive in Boston at midnight, and get the car rental, arriving at Hong's about 1:30...

Thank you Hong...

HK Trip Oct 18

My very last day in HK, a busy day.

In the morning I pay a visit to Disneyland, oops… it should be the garden leading you to Disneyland. Yup…that’s good enough for me…
In the afternoon, having lunch with a student that went back to HK this school term.

As I am in Mongkok, so I am also picking up souvenirs that I bought for friends and good friends. Don’t worry friends, you will know what I am talking about when you have it.

Rushing to Chai Wan for a long-time friend, my used-to-be prayer partner… without him, I am sure I won’t be a servant of God now… He just came out for a drink and seeing each other for a short while. Raymond, thank you.
Making me the worst of the day is that I thought that the dinner tonight was at 8 before my student called. I was window shopping at Elements at the time… I rush there and I am glad that I rush there as the buffet was wonderful… thank you Pinky and your family…

Late night, I spent the last night with a friend who need a lot of support in HK...
and I do so by making her spending the night in Mongkok with a WHITE ball dress...
I feel sorry about her... but really appreciate the time we spend in HK last two weeks... thank you...! So, remember, when you feel lonely, there will always be friends, and of course I am one of them, in Canada who always support you... so, be strong....

Thursday, October 18, 2007

HK Trip Oct 17


然後,我去到九龍公園去咗睇學界游泳錦標賽,叫做去支持吓D小師弟。雖然我們只係全場第二,但係見到佢地個School Spirit,就十分開心,起碼一班師弟總算記得我地St. Joesph’s 的團結精神,將D自以為好勁的人教訓一吓,真開心,好感動。





Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HK Trip Oct 16

Lunch time, Stanley brings me to eat Mos Burger, good experience...!

At night, I have dinner with my former aquatics team member. We share about our memories of the oldies... Although its already in the past, it's one of the best moments in my life...!

Monday, October 15, 2007

HK Trip Oct 15

This morning I have an interview with an online radio show 葡萄樹傳媒. The interview take place at the store of a friend of mine. Wow, this store is crazy, everything is unique – everything is one of a kind…! And the price is good…! A hand-make one-of-a-kind T-shirt for only $200-300. Wanna pay a visit, check out here:

I then have lunch with a long-time friend Jeffrey, an Zion Noiz member. Reconized him...?

Dinner with some returned Canadian friends, Shirley and Joanne. Yummy...

And finally I meet some TCCF alumni for a drink... Guys, really wanna to thankyou for giving me such a good time...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

HK Trip Oct 14

Today, I visit Yan Fook Church again. This time is for service.
It is a total different feeling compare to my visit to the building on thursday, Oct 12.

Last time when Pastor Vincent and Judy took me to walk around, the church was so quiet...

and today, the line up was huge, not only to get in, but to get out...

The sermon was not only great, but super...!

And... after Sunday service, I am glad to have dinner with some old friends from Ottawa. Really miss them... haven't seeing them for years...

In the afternoon, I have a drink with a mentor-type friend. He reminds me a lot... Yes... should I really think about leaving? Why think yourself to be the savior when people already think that you are satan? He reminds me about this:究竟是『眾人皆醉我獨醒』,還是『眾人皆醒我獨醉』? Talking about experience, they have more than you do. Spirtuality, they should be much better than you do. Maturity, forget it, how can I be more mature than they do? So, yeah, stop complaining. Stop bitter. Just shut up and work...!!!

At night, have dinner with Shirley. I enjoy everytime we chat, as it will always be encouraging... God, thank you for giving me this friend...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

HK Trip Oct 11-13

Window shopping and shopping...

HK things are cheap, but the only problem for me to travel in HK is also that reason. The things are cheap, but should I buy it or not? Why buying them? That is one of the struggle for me during these three days. I have no money to spend, so I have to control myself in using money. But when you saw the price, its so tempting...

Seeing Terry, Stanley, Alice and... Raymond thursday nite, so happy to see them. Most of them are back to church life, thanks God.

Friday afternoon, visit my home school at the interschool swimming competition. Wow... 24sec for C-grad 50 Freestyle, what a time...! I am old, really old. Especially when I leaving Kowloon Park with MTR and saw two of my little F1 schoolmates, they left with their parents carrying their swimming bags for them, really jealous...!

Thank you Michael for bringing me to have 大排擋食雞燉翅... yummy...!

Saturday daytime, running thru HK cemeteries to visit grandpa(s) and grandma... Bye, see you some years after, hopefully I will come back soon to visit you people again...

In the evening, my uncle brings me to 中環鏞記食燒鵝... make my HK trip so fulfilling...!

At night, thanks God for bringing me a friend to walk 廟街 with me, so that I don't need to go thru this historic part of Hong Kong alone.

Tomorrow will go 恩福 worship and seeing friends from my university years in Ottawa. Guys, I really miss you... see you tomorrow...!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

HK Trip Oct 8-10

Oct 8
I met up with another friend from Panama, Hugo, but sigh... again, forget to take pictures. We had a good time for the day, as we spent most of the time -- reading and buying books in Christian bookstores... :P Sorry Hugo...!!!

At night, I met up with Joanne, my lovely little sister, and Elita. The Japanese food is great and the shrimp and urchin sashimi are soooooooooooooo fresh.

And... Joanne, I will miss you...!!!

Oct 9
SJC Day...

I head back to SJC this afternoon, they change a lot.
New teachers room.
New lift.
New young female teachers...!!!

At night, I am so enjoy as I met up with some friends who have known each other for many many years, but haven't been in touch for many many years.
Yam, Vincent, Adem, Augustine, Trevor... I still remember those old days when we fight for the first place in the line... and I always WON...!!! yeah...

Oct 10

Meet up with Cindy this morning, Winnie in the afternoon, Judy and Okita in the evening.

Mrs. _____ : May God bless your marriage.
Miss Ko: Don't hesitate la... GO! Go! GO!
Miss Yeung: God will lead you for the best job and future... so remember: PRAY...! Trust me, He will guide you all the way...
Miss Lam: Don't sit there and work. Go out more...!!!

For more photos:

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

HK Trip Oct 7

It was a wonderful Sunday for me.

In the morning
I was wondering if I were back to my homeland, as I knew less then ten sentences on the bus and walking to Sogo in CausewayBay... the whole area was full of Philippines. Mission is the only word occupying my mind... "oh NO! Please, just give me a break... Ha Ha" I told God.

The worship at Tung Fook Church was wonderful. It was energetic and touching. But the message was a bit short, as it was so good and I want to listen more...

In the afternoon
Elita and I walk thru the whole CausewayBay and WanChai (poor Elita... she was walking on heels...!) and we visit the famous (and old) Boston Restaurant. Its still that good...! We have FlameBeef, and taste very good.

If you have facebook, you can view the video here.

I also visit my place of early childhood: St. Joseph's College Primary School. So many memories... Wanna see my school? Click here...

In the evening
We met Adeline and we have the chance to watch the show "A Symphony of Lights" 「幻彩詠香江」. This nightly spectacle combines interactive lights of 44 key buildings on both Hong Kong Island and Kowloon with musical effects to showcase the vibrancy and glamorous night vista of Victoria Harbour. It is amazing...!

I put a bit into my facebook video:
Symphony of Lights 1 and Symphony of Lights 2

In the night
The Symphony of Lights inspired us to visit a place I haven't been there for around 20 years... THE PEAK...!!! Everything there were changed. New buildings, new bus terminal, higher bus fare, except one thing: the nightview is still the best...! Dear Lord, THANK YOU...!

You can view all the photos here

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hong Kong Trip Oct 4-6

Wow, after 16 years, i finally got the chance to really feel the home where I grow up... HONG KONG.

Oct 4

多得無線套「天幕下的戀人」,我就係咁見到「朗豪坊」三個字就想入去睇下個天幕...哈哈,我都話好易tum架啦... 入去之後覺得個商場個design真係唔錯,不過個天幕就有點失望,可能是我太大期望啦... 又或者係自己一條友去天幕,邊會有feel呀? sigh...

Oct 5/6
Grandma is leaving us la... Bye...! When she is leaving, the picture of grandma's come up to my mind scene after scene... really 有點唔捨得...

Oct 6

晚上同一個以前OCDA的姊妹Rita去了Soho一間coffee pub Pop Bites聽了一個都可以話係另頖的音響,有黃志淙同劉以達。原來劉以達真人真係正經過上鏡好多。

My Photos:

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Evan almighty

Today on the plane, God speaks to me through a movie: Evan Almighty...
It seems like God is telling me, God is teaching us through some unexpected circumstances. These teaching includes patience and love.

I always ask God why things gone so wrong, people around you are wondering if you are doing the right thing. Every things I do seems silly and no logical. With this movie, God is telling me: "Yes, there are things that seems like not ordinary, but its all under the hands of ME...!"

In the film, the main character was told by God to do something extraordinary, out of his regular routine and expected job description. No one support him, even his own wife. Risking of losing his job... Everyone thinks that he is crazy.

But he proved these people are wrong by his faith in God. His family returns and God save many people through him too... As long as we can keep our faith to God, there is nothing call impossible.

This matches what Rev. Peter Ho said last week. "What do we have to lose? Our face? come on..."

God, thank you...!

Quoting from

Newly elected to Congress, former local TV newsman Evan Baxter (Steve Carell) leaves Buffalo behind and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia. His congressional campaign declared that he would change the world, but he never stated how. Once he reaches his new home and job, strange things start to happen. Animals (all different kinds of animals) start following Evan around. He grows a beard that won't go away no matter how many times he shaves. Eight vacant lots in Evan's neighborhood are purchased in Evan's name. Stone age tools and wood planks are sent to his house. And the number 614 appears everywhere he goes. Evan soon learns that the number is a verse in the Bible. In the book of Genesis, 6:14 is the verse in which God instructs Noah to build the ark. Soon after, God (Morgan Freeman) appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark because a flood is coming. His family comes to believe he is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis, but soon thinks he is truly onto something of Biblical proportions. God tells Evan the flood will come September 22 mid-day.

Evan and God sitting in the half-built Ark. Evan's costume was created based on research of the clothing at the time of Noah.[1] Some of the controversy over the film in foreign markets focused on God being portrayed in human form, as seen here.[2]Animals start following Evan to Congress causing him to eventually be suspended by Congressman Long (John Goodman) from work after he tells everyone that God told him to build an ark. His wife Joan and his three sons leave for her mother's house after seeing it on a news report, leaving him to build the ark himself, which gains international notice. Weeks after Joan leaves Evan, God appears to her as a waiter at a diner. He tells her that God doesn't give things, he gives the opportunity to get things. For example, God doesn't give a family togetherness, he gives the opportunity for families to be together. Seeing his meaning, Joan returns to Evan to finish the ark together. Evan's old colleagues tell him that Congressman Long built a dam over a nearby lake and cut corners to save businesses money.

September 22 comes with clear skies, and Evan loads the hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with clear skies, so spectators start jeering at him. Dark clouds appear and rain starts pouring down. Evan tells everyone to board the ark but no one listens. The rain suddenly stops and everyone starts laughing at Evan. Evan thinks it's over until the poorly built dam bursts. Panic overtakes everyone and they board the ark. The ark sails down the streets of Washington D.C. from the flooded water of the burst lake until it eventually lands several feet from the Capitol. Evan tells Long that the flood was caused by his poorly made dam, which incites the other congressmen present to turn on him. Evan and his family go on a hiking trip over the weekend and God reappears to Evan, telling him that the way to change the world is by doing Acts of Random Kindness ("ARK") one at a time.

Monday, October 01, 2007

HK... I am coming...!

I am heading back to HK la... but with a sad note is to attend my grandma's funeral (bye bye grandma...)

For the next 18 days, I will be exposing myself to... sweat...!

For all canadaian friends... see you in a month...

My HK buddies, I can't wait to see you people...!!!