
世人行動實係幻影。他們忙亂,真是枉然。積聚財富,不知將來有誰收取﹖Surely a man egoes about as a shadow! Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather! (詩篇Ps39:6)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
“Learn, Receive and Practice” - 2008 Year End Review
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. (Phil 4:9)
Merry Christmas…!
In the year of 2008, God teach me one important element as a Christian:
“Learn, Receive and Practice”
AFC’s mission is to develop a contagious Christian student witness among the Chinese Canadians. For the past twelve months, God let me to serve Him in different aspects: CCFs, MAM and administration. Through these ministries, God guide me the way to be the light and salt among all these future leaders who are now studying in Toronto, Waterloo, Sudbury, London and other Ontario cities.
Panama’s 2nd generation is in great need. Each year, more than 200 youths participate in different church camps to learn more about God and His teaching. Last February, I had the opportunity to serve in Panama for four weeks. During this month, not only that I learnt how to serve in a cross-cultural environment, I also learnt how to serve under emotional attack, to lean on His guidance and grace. It was a wonderful experience. Please visit my personal blog at www.xteam.ca where I shared all the grace God had laid upon me. From February 4 to Mar 10 of 2009, I am glad to have the chance to serve in Panama again, please keep praying for me and all the ministries in Panama.
Pray: Please continue to pray and support AFC ministry in 2009. To sharpen our focus in serving today’s students and youth, AFC has launched a strategic ministry realignment in 2008, and is aimed to complete “Phase 1” of the process by early 2009. On behalf of AFC Canada, let me express again our deepest appreciation for your support and partnership. For more information, please visit www.afc-ca.org.
May God bless you with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Simple Love
老太太見的是一位風濕關節炎專科的女醫生。我協助老太太進了醫生的房間慢慢地坐下後,醫生在電腦屏幕前看完她的病歷,就臉無笑容、禮貌但是態度冷漠的問她上次給開的藥吃了效果如何? 老太太靦腆的回答沒有吃那些葯,原因是它們的副作用太多也太強,她恐怕身體承受不了,因為自己一人獨居,每天要張羅基本的起居飲食已經困難重重,要是再因為藥物副作用導致不適而臥床的話,身邊沒有人照料,那情況是相當孤苦和艱辛的,所以考慮再三還是決定不吃,努力忍痛就算了。醫生聽了老太太的話,完全沒有認同眼前這位老病人內心的憂慮和無助,臉上不悅之情一覽無遺,繼之再聽到老太太說家庭醫生將會給她做肝、腎功能的檢查,並且亦有給她開輕量的止痛藥片等,馬上更加冷峻的指出既然家庭醫生能夠照顧老太太健康方面的需要,也就沒有再來見她的必要了,因為既然她開的藥病人選擇不服用,這是拒絕治療的表示,那麼她已經無能為力,來看她也只是枉然,說完了就站起來送客,老太太這時對醫生的反應有點不知所措,我無言以對,只好扶著老太太向醫生道謝,然後慢慢走出她的診室…
關懷是溫暖的傳遞,是愛的表達;關懷不一定要刻意的去做些什麼,但是關懷裡面具備了愛── 坦誠的愛,簡單的愛。
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
If... MY LOVE IS not YOU...
從此 孤獨在子午線遊走 失落的靈魂 不再懂得愛
我會把苦戀的痛畫左額角 憂鬱刻在眉
我會把我的愛 跟你的身體一起焚燒
承載著 我們我灰燼
承載著 我們無法完全的愛......
Monday, November 17, 2008
Turn your emotions from -ve to +ve
2008-11-11 11:16 Posted on 基督日報
(url: http://www.gospelherald.ca/news/lif_1042.htm)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"Love" cannot be fulfill without "Forgiveness"...
原諒 - 張崇基、張崇德
只有恨 是會更加寂寞
必需要 拋開積怨的驅殼
於世上 誰人從無幻覺
犯錯 走進死角
不再問 是那方的錯誤
只知道 彼此都也覺辛苦
請放下 遺忘重重事故
嘗試 減輕痛苦
成就了 祂的應許 祂的拯救
主唱:王祖藍 / 彭家麗
作曲 / 填詞:陳立怡
編曲:John Laudon
© 音樂人製作有限公司 Music Man Productions Limited
(孩子)願 意 相 信,
(天父)願 意 相 信,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Love really matters
裘俊為了Diana,竟然去放棄一個賢良淑德、願意為佢去煮飯洗衫的富家表妹。真係唔明...! 他寧願每天的捱駡捱打,也願意甘心在心愛的人旁邊,不離不棄,實在佩服。
Friday, November 07, 2008
Mr. Bean? Nope... Its Mr. Bian

Yesterday, I was so fortunate that I had a chance to lunch with our beloved brother, Mr. Bian Yan Bo (無名的傳道者 - 邊雲波老師). During the whole conversation, I found out that he had more passion with God than I have expected. The grace of God flowing through every bit of his own experience and his teaching.
Throughout Wednesday TCEMF seminar and yesterday lunch, there is one thing he keep reminding me. Experience God cannot be fully fulfill unless we learn how to go through difficulties with God.
Yes, we will thank God when everything in life pass through with no hassle. However, its always during pain and trouble that we truly learn about God and will understand God more. As we always said, NO PAIN, NO GAIN. That's always true.
We are so luxury here in North America, that we do not really have much pressure in believing God. Well, actually we did. We have to fight through all the distractions from the world ( we actually should not use the term secular world, as the whole world suppose to be holy and spiritual under the control of God, right???).
Sleep 30 more minutes as we only drive 15 minutes to church. Have the devotion later at night, because CSI only end at 11 with my favorite CTV news follows till midnite. Reading the Bible become more electronic, so as my spiritual journal (they are now all typed during the distraction of email arrival warnings).
With all these comfort, are we willing to give up our luxury and back to original - God? Do I really want to sacrifice my luxury and to experience God throughout tough times? Its really a good question to myself.
Well, hopefully you have a better spiritual life than I do, and have a better relationship with God...!!
Enjoy your life...!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
事實上,萬聖節已越來越變得商業化,根據研究機構 BIGresearch數年前為美國全國零售聯盟進行調查,發現53.3%的顧客會在萬聖節前夕購物,平均消費額$38.11美元,以此推算,美國消費者為萬聖節支出的金額高達33億美元。
此外,以商業化包裝的萬聖節也滲入各大中小學校園,亦有不少團體把籌款小錢箱通過學校派發給小孩,讓小孩"Trick or Treat!"(討糖果) 時順道收集捐款。有的教會學校也隨世俗潮流推行萬聖節教學活動日,表示要營造氣氛,建立歡樂校園。
(xteam: 此點有些不正確,歷史上教會把翌日(十一月一日)定為記念已逝聖徒的諸聖節。羅馬皇帝君士坦丁信主後,立基督教為國教,當時的基督教實際已演變成天主教。君士坦丁下令全國人民都要皈依基督教,結果沒有悔改的異教徒加入了教會,把各樣異教作風帶進來,包括死節,他們要維持這節日為生活的一部份。
由於教會無法消除民眾的異教風俗,只有把部份風俗聖化,特別是十月卅一日的死節。在第八世紀,羅馬教皇定十一月一日為萬聖日(All Saints’ Day),來記念教會史上一切殉道的聖徒。這樣,十月卅一日便是萬聖日的前夕。天主教會容許民眾在十月卅一日守節,因為十一月一日是聖日。後來All Saint’s Day 變成All Hallows Day,而hallows是「神聖」的意思,十月卅一日便是萬聖夜(All Hallows Evening)。Evening後來縮減為eve和een,前者是「前夕」的意思,後者是evening的縮寫,意即夜晚」,便成為今天的Halloween,代表死節是萬聖日的前夕。reference: history.com)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Link: http://www.gospelherald.ca/news/cul_836.htm
Link: http://www.gospelherald.ca/news/soc_838.htm
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
每一天都有一段「閱讀經文」,隨後有作者鼓勵讀者「付諸行動」的建議事項,還有意猶未盡時的「延伸閱讀經文」。閱讀這本靈修書,就像是在看祖母的甜美故事,令人驚豔!藉由故事分享,我們可以在艾蜜莉身上,看見上帝的奇妙作為。我一邊花上15 分鐘時間靈修,一邊將上帝的話語牢牢記住,又一邊閱讀著艾蜜莉的生命故事,宛如身邊多了個有智慧的好奶奶,讓我深深體會敬虔的婦女,如何真正成為別人的祝福,就像這句諺語所說的一樣:「家有一老,如有一寶。」
作者:艾蜜莉(Emilie Barnes)
她的著作豐富,已經出版了六十多本書,特別針對忙碌的現代人而寫、非常受歡迎的數分鐘默想系列叢書──本書即為其中一本,還有:15 Minutes Devotions for Couples、15 Minutes Meditations for Busy Moms、15 Minutes Meditations for Healing and Hope。
Sunday, September 28, 2008
YOU don't understand ME...
你不懂我的心 鍾嘉欣
作曲:Alex Lung 填詞:張美賢
編曲:杜自持 監製:杜自持
你說你要飛翔的自由 只不過是一個藉口 我也會接受
曾經牽着你的手 還有甚麼要求 我只要退在你背後
總有一天我會成為你最好的朋友 無理取鬧也會忍受 現在同眼淚倒流
我不懂你的心 還要守到最後
就算愛情厭舊 從指縫溜走 擦破我雙手
你不懂我的心 有時候真的好想不再回頭
放開所有 開始我一直沒辦法了 全也沒辦法走
曾經牽着你的手 還要甚麼要求
我只要退在你背後 總有一天我會成為你最好的朋友
無理取鬧也會忍受 現在同樣眼淚倒流
我不懂你的心 還要守到最後
就算愛情厭舊 從指縫溜走 擦破我雙手
你不懂我的心 有時候真的好想不再回頭
放開所有 可惜我一直沒辦法了 全也沒辦法走
想找一個理由 好讓我轉身就走
我不懂你的心 還要守到最後
就算擁抱變舊 溫度已不夠 我一樣溫柔
你不懂我的心 嘗試過一千遍寫下很多理由
決定放手 可惜我一直沒辦法留 卻也沒辦法走
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I don't understand YOU
我不懂你 鍾嘉欣
作曲:Alex Lung 填詞:王仲傑
編曲:杜自持 監製:杜自持
事到如今 我學識接受 是你要自我與自由 這是你所有
*是我已獲得足夠 滿足你的要求 就求你別提及分手
就我所知 終有日看懂情人方內疚 但是愛不全是佔有 誰會敷我的傷口*
從來不懂你嗎 為何尚要牽掛 但我不敢問話 未夠膽調查 你似未歸家
能留低一吻嗎 尤其是這十數月不知你在哪 還未曾化
講大話 還是真的無瑕 讓我知可以嗎
從來不懂你嗎 為何尚要牽掛 但我不敢問話 未夠膽調查 你似未歸家
能留低一吻嗎 尤其是這十數月不知你在哪 還未曾化
講大話 如果真的無瑕 沒法解釋嗎
從頭學習愛人 如何去守我本份 讓你知再會愛下去 這次是我可劫後重生
從前不懂你嗎 為何我覺可怕 但我不敢問話 未夠膽調查 我會否很差
能和好相處嗎 用自信心相信你便不會再害怕 還未明嗎
好情人 無非取得平衡 是我這方法嗎
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Forgiveness can be difficult AND easy
The word "forgive" definitely is not a easy word to learn. However, its the forgiveness that we receive from God that can encourage us to forgive without any bitterness. Should we enjoy the forgiveness from God, we should be able to find an easy way to forgive others.
With the email there is a song by 李克勤... and i would love to share with you too...!
醫道 李克勤 (醫道主題曲)
曲:杜自持 詞:李克勤/張美賢
受過傷 先知道要堅強
受委屈 先會學到原諒
明白到 醫者心腸 沒期望讚賞
失望過 失敗過 懲罰過使得我 不好過
幾十次 幾萬次 或會始終一次 得到過
激動過 激勵過 誰或者都必須有折磨
只要我 知道我 無做錯都不會更改我
至少當中有我 最後仍然付上最多
受過傷 先知道要堅強
受委屈 先會學到原諒
明白到 醫者心腸 沒期望讚賞
Saturday, September 20, 2008
8 months. After eight months of hardwork, finally it was successfully done last night.
Thanks God as there was so many things that happened during these eight months. So many ups and downs. But we finally go through.
It was miracle yesterday, as so many little errors, but God gave us the wisdom to jump over all those hurdles and deliver a wonder message together with pastoral short message and singspiration team.
Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the change to experience and learn. Amen.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
MAM 2008
I have upload some of the pictures to share with you about our trips. You can either go to my facebook or click the following link for them.
Niagara Falls 1/3
Niagara Falls 2/3
Niagara Falls 3/3
London 1/2
London 2/2
Lord, thank you...!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I ruin it
Why I have to express my feelings when I know that it will turn out with silence?
It is definitely not other's fault, its me who know how to be good communication, but I ruin it.
I ruin it big.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Scripture Today
順服: 悖逆的罪與行邪術的罪相等;頑梗的罪與拜虛神和偶像的罪相同。你既厭棄耶和華的命令,耶和華也厭棄你作王。(撒母耳記上15:23)
寬恕: 倘若這人與那人有嫌隙,總要彼此包容,彼此饒恕;主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人。(歌羅西書3:13)
忍耐: 也要堅守我們所承認的指望,不至搖動,因為那應許我們的是信實的。(希伯來書10:23)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Being Honest?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dear all, Thank you
To those who are/were in Ottawa, thank you for teaching me while I was hurting you. Thank you for all Sunday school teachers, as that was when my Biblical foundation being laid. Thank you for all choir members, as you are those who give me a hand and lift me up while I was down due to mistakes.
To Rev. Nelson, thank you for being my turning point.
To Raymond, you know how much you mean to me... thank you...!
To all my friends in Toronto, thank you for walking with me when I am in needed.
To Rev. Barclay, thank you for being my teacher/mentor for my seminary years.
Of course, cannot appreciate more for what my parents had given me.
Without all your support, I will not be the Kelvin today.
I dreamed I went to heaven
And you were there with me;
We walked upon the streets of gold
Beside the crystal sea.
We heard the angels singing
Then someone called your name.
We turned and saw a young man running
And he was smiling as he came.
And he said, "Friend you may not know me now."
And then he said, "But wait,
You used to teach my Sunday School
When I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer
Before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer,
I asked Jesus in my heart."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
Then another man stood before you
And said, "Remember the time
A missionary came to your church
And his pictures made you cry.
You didn't have much money,
But you gave it anyway.
Jesus took the gift you gave
And that's why I'm here today."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
One by one they came
Far as the eye could see.
Each life somehow touched
By your generosity.
Little things that you had done,
Sacrifices made,
Unnoticed on the earth
In heaven, now proclaimed.
And I know up in heaven
You're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure
There were tears in your eyes.
As Jesus took your hand
And you stood before the Lord.
He said, "My child, look around you.
Great is your reward."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sleepless in Toronto 神啊!求求讓我睡
Its too excited. I can't put myself to rest.
The war is so intense that I don't know how can I stop myself.
The most wonderful is I don't know who am I fighting with, may be its myself that I am fighting against. I am just too aggressive.
My dear God, I know there is the strength you give me. I know there is your wisdom for me.
God, I know you are there hearing my prayer. Please, answer my prayer.
神啊!求求讓我睡 - 劉浩龍
作曲 : 徐繼宗
作詞 : 林若寧
編曲 : 王雙駿
監製 : 王雙駿
顧及到要上工 然後我更驚恐
讓我尖叫 讓我跳海 樣樣亦無大作用
神啊!求求讓我睡 請不要再打雷
神啊!求求讓我睡 否則叫我死去
跳下床 我在狂亂的追追追追
拳頭出手打碎堵牆 一口飲了七杯凍水
可否今天正常進睡 差點哭得出眼淚
要睡覺 有暗湧 頭亦重 眼都腫
沒有知覺 沒有扎醒 望著大床做惡夢
神啊!求求讓我睡 請不要再打雷
神啊!求求讓我睡 否則叫我死去
跳下床 我在狂亂的追追追追
拳頭出手打碎堵牆 一口飲了七杯凍水
連夜四點輾轉反側難睡覺 好比深宵正常次序
神啊!求求讓我睡 頭髮亂了承受那旱天雷
神啊!求求讓我睡 難以睡去來自摑多一鎚
跳下床 我在無目的追追追追
原本身體筋竭力疲 思想經過一番榨取
Monday, June 30, 2008
神啊... "她"在哪裡?"她"現在安好嗎?
Monday, June 09, 2008
Prayers are something really you want to have but at the same time, hate to have. The biggest problem/enjoyment is: God will always answer your prayer.
You pray, you will get the answer.
No question will be asked if prayer is being answer as the way we want to happen.
The question then becomes: Do I have the faith to take the answer which is against my desire? i.e. Hey God, I don't like your answer, what's the matter with you...!
This is what we called understanding and following God's will and plan. And...
This is the most difficult homework for us (at least me, hee hee...)
Dear all... Add Oil...!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
「心善則到處天堂」... 弟兄,天堂見...!
悲 - 為你的離開而悲傷
喜 - 為你能早日與主同在而歡喜
樂 - 能於事工上被接天家實在是最大的福氣
怒 - 神啊! 為什麼?
羨慕 - 你可以為神付出你的生命
妒忌 - 你在這麼年輕神便不再讓你操勞,亦走得咁爽,唔駛痛
Monday, May 05, 2008
主唱:王祖藍 / 彭家麗
作曲 / 填詞:陳立怡
編曲:John Laudon
© 音樂人製作有限公司 Music Man Productions Limited
(孩子)願 意 相 信,
(天父)願 意 相 信,
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Coach: that's all you have done...!
Come on Coach... tell me why the opposite team will get that many easy shot...?
Where is your coaching when the team need the most?
Don't put the team on the spot when YOU are not doing the job...!
Horrible match up against the most physical team in the league... totally mismatch.
One of the league best defencemen this year, Roman Hamrlik who is doing a great job for the season, +7, is -3 in this game.
Coach, you are making one of the best teams in the league look stupid. Can't find their best, but showing all the weakness during the series.
Then, when losing, blaming the youngest, speechless, helpless goalie in the game for not doing his job...?
Covering your own mistakes by taking down others...
That is absolutely not acceptable.
Coach, its time to take your own responsibility. Don't ask other to take your responsibility when you are not doing your job...!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Poor Carey
Stupid coach always kill his own team. Instead of faith building, he chose to make things more complicated when he hinted the bench of Price the other day. That not only not building up the sliding team, but also hurting the dynamic in the locker room. Everyone is giving praise to Price the other day, and the next day, he is the one to be blamed. Come on, give me a break.
Clearly, today, the team cannot play as a team. 0-4 for power play. Two bad goals by Halak. And the worse of all, bad coaching -- poor discipline -- stupid penalty by Begin. It cost the team a game.
Well, an other example of
Bad decision by coach --> bad game by the players --> lost
Carey Price ... Me
This is the world, if they don't believe in you, they won't... even with good performance.
Yeah, when Huet was being trade, I remember I wrote here "How can Montreal go to the final with Price alone"? Even as stupid as me will ask that question. Once the move is make, the only thing what we can do is: support him as much as you can, build his confidence and forget what your doubt is.
But now, the fans, the media, the coach, the management is having all their pressure and critics on Price just because he lost back to back games to Philadephia. Come on, you know it from the beginning when the trade took place. And now, you are blaming him because "He is 20-years old"? If you don't believe in him, don't do/say anything seems like you are believing in him at the beginning. This sucks...!
Why everyone is forgetting that in the Boston series, he had been in that situation already... losing two in a row. What is the response from Price? Giving you a nice shut out on Game 7. Yes, Game 7, the most important game, life or death. He can survive in this life or death situation, why can't you believe that Price can carry you thru this time again...? Shame on you people...!
And, don't forget, there are also Montreal forwards and defences in the team. We win as a team and lose as a team. Not the goalie. This is the world. They never appreciate what you have done for them. They only make you look worse when you are down. Sigh...
Carey... I believe that you can do a great job and lead our Canadians to the best. Go Carey Go...!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
唉... 等、唔等、等、唔等、等、唔等、等、唔等、等、唔等、等、唔等、等、唔等... 真係好掙扎...!
但係下午就收到"THE EMAIL"... 唉...好唔開心。
唉...神啊! 「等」真係知易行難...!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Gym again...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Its gone. Finally.
What a change.
What a way to say goodbye.
What a sad mode.
You will always on my mind... you will always on my mind!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Blog Again
作曲:Christopher Chak
(C) 2007 Cinepoly Records Co. Ltd.
無人問我可甘心演這偉大 化身
無奈被你識穿這個念頭 得到好處的你
沒有得你的允許 我都會愛下去
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望著我流淚
但漂亮笑下去 彷彿冬天飲雪水
被你一貫的讚許 卻不配愛下去
我甘於當副車 也是快樂著唏噓
原來是我的心境高到變為 偶像
誰情願照耀著別人就如 月亮
無奈被你識穿這個念頭 得到好處的你
沒有得你的允許 我都會愛下去
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望著我流淚
但漂亮笑下去 彷彿冬天飲雪水
被你一貫的讚許 卻不配愛下去
我甘於當副車 也是快樂著唏噓
那須得你的允許 我都會愛下去
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望著我流淚
但漂亮笑下去 彷彿冬天飲雪水
被你一貫的讚許 無需再說下去
我甘於當副車 卻沒法撞入堡壘
彼此這麼了解 難怪註定似兄妹一對
你的他怎允許 結伴觀賞雪的淚
永不開封的汽水 讓我抱在懷內吻下去
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Trust in Him
Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
There are a lot of things that trouble my heart lately. My car accident, my job, my relationship with people around me, my finance... etc. Seems like troubles just never end.
Today thru the scripture, God seems agreeing with me. "Yes, troubles will never end." But He added: "Just don't let all these troubles to disturb your heart. Believe is the word. Just believe in God; and believe also in Jesus Christ." If I believe, all things will not be troubled.
God, thank you for your encouragement, but I also need you to help me to keep on with this attitude.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I asked God, why you put me in this position? As a pastor, I should have handled these situation very easy and sound. But why, while I am teaching others to do well, I am doing no good but towards negative on this matter? God, just bail me out from this. I want out.
During this morning drive to AFC, I am still questioning God. How long do you want me in this situation? At the same time, I would like to use my own method to solve it.
But God calm me down 15 minutes after. During AFC prayer meeting, songs came up and nothing but encouragement. Seems like God is answering me.
In His Time
Open Our Eyes Lord
You are my All in All
Sigh, yes, I am just not patience enough to understand and wait for His timing. I should have opened up my eyes, seeing how many grace God have already given to me. Why bother to worry about the difficulties I am having? Just remember that God is my all in all.
Lord, please give me strength...
在今天早上期間開車去 AFC之時,我還在向神詢問。你還想要我在這個處境中多久? 同時我在想,不如用我的自己的方法去解決它。
Friday, March 14, 2008
2:03am Friday, Mar 14
By Kitty Leung
Original Post: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=11825379923&id=620215836&ref=share
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
Here is the accident this morning. I went to pick up my colleage for TCEMF (Toronto Ministrial Fellowship). When I drive out of her side street for less than 30 seconds, there was a car on the opposite lane missed the curve of the road and slipped while braking and slammed into the driver side of my car.
As you can see in the photos (click here), the driver's doors are badly damaged. Hopefully the middle pillar of the car is ok, otherwise... sigh...
Thanks to the Lord is that it did not hit my car split second earlier, otherwise, it may go deeper into the driver door and I might have been injured by then. Now, so fortunately that nobody in both cars are hurt. Praise the Lord.
Now my baby is in hospital and waiting for the doctor to see what exactly is happening to her and... sigh...
Well, God let it happens and there must be a reason for it.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Falling ... Failing
Blue Jays lost today.
Raptors lost today.
Maple Leafs lost today.
I lost today.
Seems like everything is losing today... :(
Monday, March 03, 2008
Last word on Panama Mission Feb 08
After a 12-hours journey, I was safely back to my home sweet home. Despite of a little bumpy landing in Newark airport, the rides are fine. Although it does not as horrible as in Germany, the turbulence did create some emotional-excited moments. Everyone clapped their hands when we landed. In addition to the safe leading in the first leg, it also brought me some inspiration from the movie "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium”. You can see more about the movie by going http://www.magorium.com.
"Believe" is the word for the movie. You believe it or you don’t. It’s all your call for the magic. It will only be there if you believe in it. Just like the gifts of God for us to serve. “Believe” is the magic word. If you believe that God is giving you the gift to serve, just go ahead and serve, otherwise, you will just lose the chance to find that out yourself.
Well, I just experienced that on the second leg of my flight. I bump into the chance to speaking to “my neighbour” Ali, who is a Muslim from Pakistan, and a business man who immigrated to Toronto ten years ago. During our conversation, we discuss the “man named Jesus” in Christianity and Islam. I have the chance to better know about how Islam see about it. To be honest, I try to avoid speaking to him for the first few moments. But I am glad that I didn’t, as we finally not only exchange our religious views, but also the views of business. Thanks God for giving me the opportunity to hear more and know more.
Hereby I would like to give thanks to all the brothers and sisters in Panama who have helped me throughout this month. Thank you for your hospitality, and also your time to take me here and there. Also, thank you for your meals and sharing. Although I cannot have a concrete date of seeing you again, hopefully it won’t be too long.
Finally, but not least, I have to thank you all for your prayers. Without your prayer backup and encouragements, I don’t think I can quickly rebound from my sudden spiritual downfall during the trip. Of course, God is the one who’s leading the way, but He uses you to cast His blessing upon me. Thank you all. My dear Lord, thank you.
Please visit www.xteam.ca for my future updates.
May God bless you…
Your partner in Christ,
Friday, February 29, 2008
Better day
Rev. and Mrs. Lu are with me in the visitation today. We visit two sisters whose family did not attend church for a while. Both of them is having a business and very difficult to attend church Sunday. However, one of them show interest in going to the "couple fellowship". Pray that they will attend the fellowship this sunday.
Then we visit a young guy who was once a Christian attending church. Now he is planning to buy a new business. May God bless him so that he can find a business which allows him to go to fellowship and worship on the weekend. He promises to go to the youth fellowship this Saturday.
After lunch we spend the afternoon visit the parents of a youth here. It is a very wonderful chat there. We even will go Chinese Tea this Saturday...! PTL...!
It is also a blessing that after the training tonight, we have an extended session. The reason is that during the session we found out that some of the youth here did not have a clear concept of some Bible regarding revelation. Thanks God to give us this opportunity to help them clarify. Although it make it a late night, its good. Lord, thank you.
Please pray for Friday as I will have breakfast with an uncle and then a chat with a youth. Also it will be a last training session and please keep praying for the strength of the youth so that they can keep digesting...
Thank you for your prayer.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
God answering...
I pray to God last night, and ask for support as I am feeling lonely and weak. One important thing in my prayer is I feel I am not doing well in listening to God and worry that I am getting wrong message from God and doing the wrong thing.
Immediately I received emails and fb messages of encouragement. Dear friends, thank you!
But, the most unbelievable thing happened this morning.
Before I get out of bed, I decided to have my desktop gadget scripture for my devotion. You know what, the scripture for today is from Luke 10:19
Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
This verse speaks directly into my heart. Almost without any thinking process, no interpretation, and does not need to worry if this voice is from God or not. It must be from God and God alone.
God, sometimes you really making me hate you while loving you at the same time. The speed of you answer to my prayer is just like that quick. Not even one moment for me to have an excuse to wandering around. And... your answer is just that precise.
Who should I afraid of? Satan? What I am doing now is being ordered from my almighty God. And what I am sharing is from nobody but is the word of God. Why should I worry? Why should I worry if I can fight the battle? God if you already given me the opportunity to share your word, and you giving me to authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, why should I still fear towards the power of my enemy?
If I believe that God is my protection, why do I afraid that Satan will hurt me? Psalm 18 suddenly comes up to my mind:
Psa 18:1-3 耶和華,我的力量啊,我愛你!耶和華是我的巖石,我的山寨,我的救主,我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的。他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高臺。我要求告當讚美的耶和華;這樣我必從仇敵手中被救出來。
Psa 18:1-3 He said: I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
Dear Lord, Thankyou for your reconfirmation.
And you know what? I believe that its is not coincident. When I turn on facebook, todays daily verse just like ecohing my thoughts.
The first one is from Titus 1:7-9
For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
Here God seems like is reminding me that the only thing I should worry is that if I have the discipline that I should have as a God's steward. As long as I am firm on His Word and to give instruction on them with the correct doctrine, I am doing my job assigned by God. That will be more important than to worry about the power of Satan.
And the last but not least, the second Bible verse from Facebook is from Matthew 16:13-16
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
This is like a challenge to me from God. "Kelvin, do you really believe in me? Who do you think I am?" Yes, God, I believe in you and I believe that you are the Christ, Son of the Living God. Sorry God, I should not have hesitation, and please forgive me for the lack of faith in you. Dear Lord, thank you for your word and encouragement.
Dear friends and partners, please keep praying for me in this spiritual battle.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Prayer Request...!
Satan is using every bit of my lack of self-confidence to charge me, also using my emotions to create un-patience in my heart, and even using a little camera to create frustration within my mind...
So, please pray for me. As we are reaching the last two nights of training, and another sharing during saturday fellowship. I will also pay visitation to couple families and youth.
Please pray for my confident so that I won't be lack of confident. Also, please pray for my faith in God so that emotions won't kill my heart of spreading His gospel. In addition, please also pray for His protection so that all training and visitations will be used so that all brothers and sisters can be benefit from the experience.
God, please be with me...!
broken camera screen
My newly camera is not new anymore. Suddenly, with no idea why, the screen was without the upper half. I swear I have done nothing to it as it was always in my pocket. Sigh... What should I do now...?
My new baby... :(
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Player isn't required to fix team's errors, this is up to the managers
Dave Perkins
Original post from TheStar.com article 306777
Once again, the lesson has been delivered to Toronto, if not learned.
The player's job, in any sport, is to play. The player's job is not to help manage the team or to massage payroll. That is up to the managers.
The Maple Leafs, operating as usual at full blunder, have handled the Mats Sundin question poorly from the start right through the finish that everyone – particularly Sundin – hopes arrived Sunday.
The Leafs didn't learn a single thing from history and Cliff Fletcher surely should have known better than to hang a class act like Sundin out to dry the way they did. This surely wouldn't have been Fletcher's intent, but it's the result.
Less than four years ago, the same thing happened with Carlos Delgado, when the still-newish general manager of the Blue Jays, J.P. Ricciardi, assumed that Delgado, making an unwieldy $18.5 million (U.S.) in the final year of his contract, would give up his rights to veto a trade to a contender, which the Jays surely were not.
Ricciardi probably made a mistake of inexperience, publicly heaping responsibility on Delgado to forgo his right to live up to his end of a contract negotiated in good faith. Ricciardi wanted Delgado to facilitate his own departure as the first step in remaking the Jays in a different and cheaper manner and assumed he would take the chance to seek a ring elsewhere.
Delgado, who did not appreciate being hung out like that, said no. The betting here is that Ricciardi, older and wiser, will handle things differently if the situation arises again with a megastar.
That said, Fletcher knows his way around the block. He shouldn't have made the same mistake, which is publicly setting up the long-time captain to take heat, much of it undeserved and most of it based on the fact that he happened to be born in Sweden.
Sundin was forced into a no-win position and Fletcher, who was brought here to hit a home run at today's trading deadline, now would be happy to bloop in a double somewhere.
It's typical of the Maple Leafs, though, isn't it? Other than making money, can they do anything right? (And even there, how many millions do they leave on the table every year now by constantly mismanaging the brand's chief asset.)
No doubt Fletcher walked into a tough spot by taking over an underperforming hockey team hamstrung by a number of no-trade clauses. It's fashionable to blame the departed John Ferguson Jr. for handing out those contracts, but Ferguson did so in every case with the board of directors approving and presumably endorsing each move with their collective hockey acumen.
Now, the common response is the opposite: Fletcher and his successor (the lucky fellow) are being encouraged to grant no more no-trade security to any future Leafs. This, then, all but assures Sundin's time in Toronto expires in 18 games. Last summer, after taking his time to reach a decision, he chose to sign a one-year contract with the no-trade clause. So how is it possible that he could sign another contract this summer without one? If he sought it at age 36, he'll need it at age 37 – and so on.
Sundin, a good soldier for this club, on and off the ice, for a long time, deserves to finish his Leafs career as gracefully as possible. The club negotiated and signed a contract – a contract it now needs to honour – without having a gun put to its head. Yet it turned around and put one ever so publicly to Sundin's.
NHL Trading Deadline Day
Ottawa, is already the best of all adding another winger who know how to score. Vancouver, even with the lack of good forwards and penalty killer, giving up Matt Cooke for another Matt, Matt Pettinger who has only 7 points for the year.
Montreal Canadians, is making no sense at all... giving up Huet for what? A 2009 draft-pick (yes, not 2008, but 2009...!) Yes, he is at the end of the contract, but what we are losing? Don't tell me that we are hoping the match of Price-Halak can keep the pucks out of the net during the playoff runs and bring our Canadians to the Stanley Cup final. You must be kidding me. Even if Huet is not coming back, we only losing a goal-tender who those GM thinks only worth a 2nd round draft pick one year later. But now, we are losing the hope of going for the Cup... come on...!
My lovely Tronoto Maple Leafs. I do not have high expectations, or i should say i am having the biggest worry when Cliff Fletcher become our GM. Not to mention that we are only six points out of the last playoff spot with almost 20 games left, and we still have Sundin, Tucker, Tomas Kaberle, McCabe, and others who comes back with a healthy body, why do we have to be a seller and shipped away Gill and Kilger?
Let's look at Washington, who is only one point in front of our Leafs, see what have they done on the very same day? Adding Cristobal Huet, Sergei Fedorov, Matt Cooke and Alex Giroux almost without giving up anything, but some fourth-liners and a 2009 2nd-round draft pick.
Gill, we still have a year on him, and Kilger, who has the most improvement among all leafs in the past few years, should be something we need for the playoff run. Although we are getting some 2nd/3rd rounders coming up, but are we really ok to just looking into futre?
Are we already giving up our hopes or Cliff, you believe that we already have enough to go for a last run for the playoff...? Although I do not like the deals you have make before, but i still have hope that you know what is the best for the team. Cliff, hopefully you are making the right choice. Btw, Wade, welcome back next year...!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Peaceful Monday
Tomorrow will start another series of training, may God bless the youth so that they won't be bored by me... :P
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Memorable Sunday
At night, I am very honor to be part of the birthday party. This is the first time I ever listen to Spanish karaoke. It was fun. Click here to share our memorable nite. If you have facebook, Click here to see some video clips.
I really appreciate the caring effort from the brothers and sisters here in Panama. This group was too busy serving in the church especially taking care of the youngster and they do not have a real fellowship for themselves. Their sacrifice is very honorable. Not only this, despite of the lack of time to gather around, they share deeply whenever they can group together. This kind of friendship is very precious. God, please protect them from the attack of Satan. May you bless them so that they can be friends forever...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Campamento Juvenil 2008 Photos
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Groups
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Main Message
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Talent Night
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Workshops
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Games and Activities
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Camp Fire 1
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Camp Fire 2
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Misc
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Closing 1
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Closing 2
Tonight will be the last nite of the week-long training. For the past few nights, I have been having training with the youth fellowship on retreats/camps. Please pray for them, as most of them do not have any experience on camps/retreats, and some of them will have their first try in organizing a camp for their national holiday in November.
Next week, they will be in another week of training (yes, another…!) in spiritual growth. It will be another tough week for them, as they will have a lot to digest from the month-long training. Please keep praying for them.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Total Eclipse of My Heart…!
On Wednesday night, it's a off-night for training. And… it's the only moon eclipse in three years, so of course, we will not miss this chance.
We enjoy the moon eclipse on the roof of the apartment, how wonderful the view is…
Click here to see other pictures of it…
During the eclipse, the only thing in my mind… the song "Total Eclipse of My Heart"
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" written by Jim Steinman
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround, Every now and then I know you'll never be the boy you always wanted to be
Turnaround, Every now then I know you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
Turnaround, Every now and then I know there's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you
Turnaround, Every now and then I know there's nothing any better and there's nothing that I just wouldn't do
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
1982 Lost Boys Music
Monday, February 18, 2008
Campamento Juvenil 2008
This year Panama Summer Camp was wonderful. 115 youth attended the "Salvation-Color" filled campsite to enjoy their week and hopefully make changes in their lives. Our theme is 超越奧運. We used the five colors of salvation to decorate the whole campsite so that all the counsellors and leaders will have a hands-on material for gospel anytime, anywhere.
Thanks to the Lord, throughout the week, among the 46 non-Christians attending the camp, 35 of them converted. 46 youth willing to dedicate their life to God, while another 10 campers willing to serve God full-time if God's calling is upon them including 1 STM member. Praise the Lord…!
After the camp, more than 50 of the youth campers attend the church the following Sunday, with many of them are the first-timer. PTL…!
Please keep praying for the youth, as some of them are still in the search of God, while the others may not have the chance to attend church regularly. Also, please pray for the church leaders so that they have the time, resources and effort so that they can follow them up.
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Opening
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Groups
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Main Message
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Talent Night
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Workshops
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Games and Activities
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Camp Fire 1
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Camp Fire 2
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Misc
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Closing 1
Campamento Juvenil 2008 - Closing 2
Monday, February 11, 2008
Camp Preparation
Please pray for us as we have around 95 students going now. Please also pray for those helping out with the kitchen/food, as we have close to 140 people altogether in the camp, it will not be an easy job.
You can click here to see some of our prep work.
Friday, February 08, 2008
David City Mission
Due to the wrong estimation to the number of people and fail to understand their situation, with the addition of language barrier, my mission to David City can be described as a total failure. Not only that the games I have was not able to entertain them, the mood seems to be ruined. Frankly saying, I think the interpretor has done a much better job to cover me up, thank you Shirley. However, despite the fact that I may have done a bad job this time, it is a big learning for me, but with a big cost to the church and the people there... :(
However, with the brotherly love of the b/s in David City, they comfort me by giving me two big entertainment instead: Swimming in the river and having lamb-chop hotpot...! God, thank you, I don't think I deserved.
Firstly, they bring me to a little river stream where the water is so clear that i can clearly see the fish at the bottom of the river... WOW...! With the cold water, it really relax my tiredness and enjoying the water bath a lot. Not to mention that they have a riverside BBQ with some tastful spicy susages. Wonderful...!
Then we have a 90 minutes ride up the hill and enjoy my first fresh lamb hotpot. It was fantastic...! The lamb really make you warmer... at least I don't feel the bus that cold when I ride back to Panama City... :P Brothers and sisters... thank you for your food and patience to forgive my mistakes...THANK YOU...!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Chinese New Year Fair
They have the lion dance from China...
If you have facebook, click here to see the clip...!
and there is a car show for Chinese car...!
After the fair, so glad that I was celebrating the end year with some brothers and sisters with a wonderful meal… I really mean wonderful… we have “Deep Sea Crab”… Yummy…!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Panama Mission Trip
Thank you for your prayer support. Despite a 2-hour delay for my flight to Newark, I had a safe landing in Panama last night around 11pm. It’s a bit tired, but I have a long rest last night, thanks to the warm welcome by pastor Wilson. It will be a rest day for me today before heading to David City by midnite bus tonight.
Here is my schedule for my Panama trip, please keep me in your prayer.
My main activities:
1. Helping out with the Chinese New Year Evangelistic Meeting at David, Chiriqui
2. Sharing with youth/young career fellowship
3. Panama Summer Youth camp
4. Help the fellowship to set up and prepare for an upcoming Chinese camp
5. Help the first and second generation (PBC) in their Christian growing
Wednesday, Feb 6th - Friday, Feb 8th - David, Chiriqui
Helping out with games and activities during the Chinese New Year Evangelistic Meeting
There will be around 90 people (adults, youth and children) in the one-day event. Please also pray for Rev. Michael Lau from Toronto as he will be the speaker for the meeting.
To save time, I will take the midnite bus Wednesday nite to David, and will take the 3am bus back to Panama Friday. Please pray for my safety
Saturday, Feb 9th - Youth Camp pre-meeting
Sunday, Feb 10th - Boat trip at 6 p.m
I will share during this four-hour boat trip. There will be around 30 to 40 youth, mainly from university fellowships.
Monday, February 11th to Friday, February 15th - Chinese Youth camp
My main role: Leading the games team which take care of all games and activities during the afternoon group time/free time, workshop speaker
THIRD WEEK: a 3-days workshop in helping the fellowship to set up and prepare for an upcoming Chinese camp
FORTH WEEK: another 3-days workshop in helping the first and second generation (PBC) in their Christian growing
Please keep visit www.xteam.ca for my brief updates.
Thank you for keeping me and the ministry I involve in your prayer. May God bless you too.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
2008 Winterlicious + Dessert
Due to late booking, we almost can't find any place to go. Thanks to Enoch, we find the Arriba Restaurant which sits inside Rogers Centre / Renaissance Toronto Hotel Downtown. Well, at first I did not have high expectations. But it does go much more that I expect...! The food is good and the service is good too...! Wonderful...!
With a early dinner (we finish at 7), we decide not to waste the rest of our night. We went to have dessert at somewhere we seldom go. We choose the Demetre on Bloor West. Sigh, getting old la... as I make a mistake that it is on Lakeshore, thus we get lost and also touch down in Mississauga. Fortunately, a nice girl who works in Shoppers let us know that its not on Lakeshore but Bloor. Thank you...! Without her, we might not able to try those nice crapes and icecream.
You can click here to see our pictures... :P
The night was wonderful... Thank you guys..
Friday, January 25, 2008
瞓身 - 高皓正
情信要是會寄失 寄一百封都不會甜蜜
和我晚飯也吃得委屈 見得太多開始變質
所以不斷問自己 有沒有將最好盡力地捐贈給你
但求全身瞓下去 天真到無懼被連累
若想被愛 要先愛人 不惜去盡情被搾取
給你無條件愛下去 只須你仍舊 留我在身邊寄居
如要愛就要固執 或者撐得多一個回合
嫌棄我令我更加專一 或許你欣賞這美德
可笑的越是認真 我越覺得愛戀像末日一樣黑暗
然而未吻別過我就能繼續煩惱自尋 贊助你兩個的吻
但求全身瞓下去 天真到無懼被連累
若想被愛 要先愛人 不惜去盡情被搾取
給你無條件愛下去 只須你仍舊 留我在身邊寄居
想繼續全身瞓下去 天生愛疲累才渴睡
甚麼是愛 到底愛誰 都只有別人被讚許
戀愛唯求給你樂趣 儘管太殘酷 無悔負擔這創舉
能娛樂過你 誰介意與你登不登對
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Maple Leaf GM Ferguson fired
"After full consideration of the Leafs' situation, it has become clear that change and a new direction is needed,'' stated MLSE President and CEO Richard Peddie at a press conference held at the Air Canada Centre Tuesday. "Regrettably, we did not win enough games to reach our goal, winning the Stanley Cup."
New direction? Wasn't that our direction is to win the Stanley Cup? Oops... sorry, that is our goal. Yes, direction is how to reach that goal.
Yes, we need new direction, not a new goal.
"Our ideal candidate will be a long-term builder and a short-term fixer who has an established track record of success on the ice," explained Peddie. "Along with experience and extensive knowledge in the areas of drafting and identifying talent in the professional, amateur and international ranks, this individual will be comfortable with the intense scrutiny within the Toronto hockey market and will work effectively with the media.
"He will have the full autonomy to lead this hockey club in the manner he feels is best," added Peddie.
Well, I really pray that he can really find (and better he finds) the right person in his mindset. Always, right person at the right position. Otherwise, everything is just another show, another myth, another lie in front of the camera, but no real things are on the ground.
Go Leafs Go...!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Reflect again
In the movie, God ask Evan to built an ark in prepare for the flood coming up on Sept 22. Despite having to give up some of his dream job, Evan built an ark on time: Sept 22 midday. But on September 22, it comes with clear skies, and Evan loads the hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with clear skies, so spectators start jeering at him. Dark clouds appear and rain starts pouring down. Evan tells everyone to board the ark but no one listens. The rain suddenly stops and everyone starts laughing at Evan. Even Joan, Evan's wife, tells Evan to leave the ark, but Evan refused.
The flood finally did come when the dam then breaks and the crowd witnesses the flood of water approaching. Panic overtakes everyone and they board the ark. The ark sails down the streets of Washington D.C. from the flooded water of the burst lake until it eventually lands touching the front of the Capitol. At the end, God reappears to Evan, telling him that the way to change the world is by doing one Act of Random Kindness ("ARK") at a time
Sometimes, I really don't know why God is asking me to do this and that, like Evan doesn't know about the reason for the ark. I just know that there is a day like Sept 22, that something will happen.
But when is the time for this day to come...?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Encouragement from God
我的主是你的教導:「儆醒禱告, 不要灰心。」
我的主, 是你的話語:「只需相信, 必可得到。」
也許今天不見動靜, 彷彿找不到一點跟蹤影,
教我心堅固, 完全相信, 神賜下的應許;
求告你的必不至失望, 尋找便必找得到;
求賜我信心, 開心中的眼, 讓我看那不可見的你。
Friday, January 11, 2008
心中的不安 ?!?!
Watching them having an afternoon nap after their lunch, I am asking God, why...? Why some people doing nothing, still having a more steady life than I do...?
I work and work, what have I done wrong...? Why I am still having a lower income than those who are sitting there and doing nothing but bu__ shi__ing... and claiming the fault on others but not themselves? Why they will have a better reputation then I have? Why people still think that they are doing a better job than I do?
God, should I change my style? I am stuck. I am no where.
Why? Honestly, I don't think I have that kind of spirituality that superior than others, but for sure I don't think I am that far with you... then why? Why you award them when high post and salary, and I am still working dead out there and having one small salary which not even able to pay for the enjoyment of having a family trip for Vanacouver during Christmas holiday...?!?!?!
Why...? God, I need the answer...
And as my thoughts still flying... God answer me. (This is always the part I lovely hated, as God always answer my prayer...!!!)
With my CD player playing the song 煙火 of 光良... I have to apologize to God.
是否還記得 一起看煙火 我在你眼裡 看到閃爍
冷冽的寒風 把你吹向我 抱你在我懷中 沒想太多
愛情裡的心動常常讓我難以去捉摸 付出感情太多 原來多情人 總被傷的最重
想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念
冷冽的寒風 把你吹向我 抱你在我懷中 沒想太多
愛情裡的心動常常讓我難以去捉摸 付出感情太多 原來多情人 總被傷的最重
想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念
我的心情今天已換了季 天邊出現彩虹
晴朗陽光灑在我的天空 閃爍
像是笑著告訴我 愛到最後是寬容
想起你的擁抱這感覺 短暫紀念 在你我之間 有時說變就變 就像煙火 下一秒消失不見
想起你的微笑這畫面 短暫紀念 放在心裡面 你說過的永遠 留在昨天 就當它是我最美的紀念
還有你陪我走過這一切 記憶中裡 那些微笑的臉
Seems like God is asking me... "Why you always try to compare yourselve with others...? Did I not giving you grace enough...?"
"You have a car, a family, a job... its already better than many of the people, some of them even wealthier than you. Don't you think you have a happier life than most of those you envy with...?"
"Don't you just enjoy the lovely relationship between you and me?"
"My lovely child, just don't leave me... you will enjoy the intimacy...!
Sigh, this is the fun part of being a Christian, who believe in God, you are not 阿Q, but you really can get the answer from God. God will always care about me, and give me the best I should have. Kelvin, just calm down, don't worry. Justice will always be in God's world.
不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走
不捨得... 不捨得... 不捨 不得...
不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走
恨我找不住痴情 不敢牽你手
不捨得你 不捨得你 為何開不了口
為著發覺 你夢中想要的 而我沒有
我明瞭 你不能留 縱使付出多少 也不回頭
我明瞭 你不能留 縱使付出多少 到底分手
共你別去 說聲珍重 再沒有可求
恨我找不住痴情 不敢牽你手
不捨得你 不捨得你 為何開不了口
為著發覺 我夢中想要的 已被帶走
不捨得你 不捨得你 仍需給你走
Thursday, January 10, 2008
AFC Book House Closeout
Ambassadors for Christ in Canada
(January 10, 2008)
For the past 30 years, the Gospel Book House has been a parallel ministry of Ambassadors For Christ in association with the student ministry. In recent years, while we have experienced the increasing need and rapid development on the side of student ministry, we also see that quite a number of Christian bookstores have been established, and have aptly filled the need for Chinese Christian literature in the Greater Toronto Area. The Board of Directors, after careful consideration, has decided to discontinue the operation of the Gospel Book House (effective March 1, 2008), for the purpose of directing the resources to the development of student ministry. The board would like to thank everyone for all their support and contributions to the Gospel Book House over all these years. A closeout clearance sale will begin immediately. For further information, please contact (416)494-7171 or visit AFC website www.afc-ca.org.
「加拿大基督使者協會」之福音書屋,服事眾教會已經超過三十年,其運作與學生福音事工平衡發展。惟近年學生福音事工之需要及發展激增,亦見本市有不少基督教書房相繼投入服務,屬靈書籍供應充足。有鑑及此,「使者」董事會經慎重考慮後,議決於2008年3月1日起,停止福音書屋之運作,而將「使者」資源集中於發展學生福音事工。在此感謝主內同道多年來對「福音書屋」之支持。書屋於即日起將進行結業清貨大減價。如有任何查詢,請致電(416)494-7171或瀏覽本會網頁www.afc-ca.org 。謹此敬告,祈為垂注。
AFC Gospel Book House Closeout Clearance Sale
All Bibles, Books & Audio Visual items 30% off
All Greeting Cards & Gift Items 40 % off
Discontinued Books $1.00 each
Selected items up to 60 % off
All sales are final, no return and exchange
使者福音書屋 結業清貨大減價
所有聖經 ,書籍及影音產品 7 折
所有禮品 6 折
斷版書籍 $1.00
其他貨品最低減至 4 折
所有貨品 不設退換
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Heading to Panama
I will be heading to Panama from Feb 5 to Mar 3.
My "four objectives" for this trip...
First week: Help to prepare the boat trip program and be the "messenger"
Second week: Panama Summer Youth camp
Third week: Help the fellowship to set up and prepare for an upcoming chinese camp
Forth: Help the second generation (PBC) in their christian growing
Please pray for me...
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Thank you Tony...
Really thank you for having a very successful cosmetic surgery on the head of my wife. The job was done wonderfully and I cannot ask more from you. You really help her to look great again... THANK YOU...!!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy 2008...!
Thank you for giving me such a memorable moment. You know who you are... THANK YOU...!