世人行動實係幻影。他們忙亂,真是枉然。積聚財富,不知將來有誰收取﹖Surely a man egoes about as a shadow! Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather! (詩篇Ps39:6)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Urbana Day 4
We know that we should not stay in the darkness but walk in the light. However, there are so many wounds and issues that we do not want God to touch us and wanna cover up ourselves in the darkness.
Sometimes we are deep in these kinds of situations that even we hear the saving-call from God, but we seems like get stuck in the crowded stadium while you cannot find the exit.
That's me.
But the evening message give us the solutions: Prayer...!
We know how to pray, but sometimes our prayer just repeating the facts that God already know. We just forget what role did God has in our prayers. We forget His power. We forget His almighty. We forget HIM.
Pray with our full heart. Tell Him what is in our heart. Tell Him truly what we would want to ask Him. That is what the prayer is for.
There will only be one exit in the crowded stadium: Pray truly to God.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Urbana Day 3
So many information regarding mission, so many things about our inner lives, so many things about our future...
Really need time to sit down and digest...
Few things that I need to reflect on today
(1) John 2:11 saying that the miracle of turning water to wine was the first of the signs through which Jesus revealed his glory. If I were Jesus, what kind of changes do I want to become the first sign...?
(2)Since last nite, thru this morning, till this night... "Trust in God's providence" running around my head... Am I trust God enough regarding his providence?
(3)One speaker said, God do not want "helicopter missionary". Yes, I am now involving a few mission projects, but do I really have root in them?
(4)John 15 talking about abiding in God. Learning the word of God without obedience just like knowledge without live. Obedience... A huge hole for me to improve.
(5)Give is always better than get. Speaker today reminding me: Get is not bad, but its all about self-center. Give is something we should learn, experience and put in practice. Am I willing to give without thinking of getting?
Tomorrow... commitment nite... hmm...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Urbana Day 2
First Question, during the morning Bible study on John 1:35-42:
"If you really trusted God's role in bringing your friends to a place of belief, how would it affect the way you think about evangelism? What blocks you from inviting people to 'come & see'?"
Second reflection, during the exposition session on John 1:43-51...
Together with John 1:35-42, Jesus told the two disciples "Come and See" and they can see the Messiah. Philip told Nathanael "Come and See", that turns Nathanael declaring that Jesus is God.
Then, question to myself, am I good/faithful/trust-worthy enough for other to take my "Come and See"...?
Third reflection... for us, as a pastoral leader, our mission road should be like "Transformation -> Covenant -> Mission".
Do I Transform enough so that my testimony can display what God grace has cast upon me? Is my covenant with God a good testimony of my relationship with God? Will my direction of Mission be not in the right focus?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Urbana Day 1
And... the tiredness did not block the message of God in the very first day, given that its a short one.
First reminder: Despite any expectation of coming to Urbana2009, it won't make any difference unless we allow it to make some difference to us. Yes, I really have to open up my heart in order for His Message to flow thru my mind...
First message from Urbana2009:
John 1:14. God use "Incarnation" to (1) use as a mean to communicate with us (2) sending us a message and (3) be a model for us.
Speaker reminds me that Jesus did not save us by inviting us to his place, but coming to our world instead, a place where not the most comfortable.
My question to myself: Why I am working on campus with students?
Reflection: Simply because campus is the most comfortable place for students.
Yes, that is campus mission...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
有一天, 我到超市買了一支去疤的藥膏. 逛了很久也找不到想買的藥膏, 便跑去問了一問櫃檯的服務員.
他想了一想,然後說「你去化妝品部門」我聽了他的回答後, 我說「我不是要蓋疤, 我希望疤真的可以去掉」
他想了一想, 然後又說「那你去藥房那邊試試看..」
我去到藥房問了一下藥劑師, 她介紹了一支可以「六個禮拜完全去疤」的藥膏
可是她拿起藥膏後, 跟我說「這種藥膏應該不可能完全去疤...我想大概去80%左右..」
我把褲子拉起,讓他看看我之前跌傷的膝蓋. 他說「那你可以買去試試看, 不過那麼大的傷口, 之後的疤應該很久才會消失」
雖然最近都在省錢, 不過為了膝蓋的疤趕快消失, 我決定買下那一支藥膏.
自從之前在加油站被自己的腳絆倒而跌倒受傷後, 我每天都會看著自己的膝蓋, 嘆著氣說自己笨,還不斷的問自己「怎麼那麼大一個人也會這樣的跌倒?我是白癡啊!」
痛是很痛, 尤其自己又是那一種粗心的人, 所以經常不小心磨到傷口, 搞到傷口久久也不好起來..
看到傷口, 我覺得無奈極了.
因為它提醒了我自己的笨, 自己的粗心大意, 還時常提醒著受傷後那幾天洗澡時的痛苦, 走路時也是一柺一柺的..
傷口本來就是會自然的好起來. 人類的構造本來就是可以讓受過的傷口自己的復原, 不過卻因為自己的任性和不自律而讓傷口越來越深. 有時侯還因為手太閒太無聊而去抓本來已經好得七七八八的傷口. 就這樣, 傷口又再流血, 再痛...這樣, 疤就越來越深了...
過了一段時間, 我看著傷口, 開始害怕之後疤會永遠都留在我的膝蓋上, 開始後悔, 開始自責
傷口已經不痛了, 血也沒有再流了. 其實每一次自己把傷口抓到流血, 也都沒有之前一次那麼痛了..而因為這樣, 我才知道我正在痊癒當中..
雖然傷口不痛了, 但我卻很介意留下來的疤痕.
雖然已經不會再影響著我的日常生活, 當沒有仔細留意的時候, 我甚至不會察覺它的存在
但疤卻仍然留著, 每逢當我注意到的時候, 也會提醒了我自己曾經跌倒的一次經歷..又或者在夏天穿裙子的時候, 照著鏡子時總是會覺得很不對勁, 那個疤很礙眼.
那我就希望有一天, 自己看到的時候不要再覺得膝蓋很醜...
我覺得 我慢慢也不太在意了
雖然還是不好看, 看到的時候還是有一點觸景傷情...不過, 已經不太記得發生甚麼事了..
反省返自己的生活裡,其實都有好多的疤痕。不單是痕,甚至我有時懷疑我的傷口究竟埋左口未...有時候,我知道我好想去疤,點知其實只係用緊化妝品蓋疤,仲要係裡面已經含濃,自欺欺人地去以為自己已經無事... 點知...
Saturday, September 05, 2009
insights are what our strategies built on
Although Bryant's case interest me a lot, catching my eyes more is what the reporter describing the PR firm.
Quote: 'Navigator isn't shy on its website: "Clients have praised us for our ability to take an issue that has been looked at, sometimes for years, and radically shift perspective to reveal new insights. These fresh insights are what our strategies are built on."'
As Christians, we always talk about visions. However, not many vision can be translated into a real and practical picture. Many visions die silently because we try to put our vision into our goals and actions. Well, this seems alright, what's wrong with this?
Strategy is the missing link. The same issue, the same goal, different strategies bring different timing, and definitely different outcome.
As in another Toronto Star report "Traffic signs can make streets dangerous" said, "We look to signs to give us instruction – tell us our rights – rather than making decisions based on the actions of other..."
Its not about what strategy used will be the best, but its the willingness to bear the consequence of the strategy one used.
"We defend rights, but what tends to get left out of the equation are any associated responsibilities. We have a right to vote, for instance, but no real sense that we also have a responsibility to make a serious study of the issues at hand." Toronto Star report reminding us.
We have the right to use any strategy we want, good or bad, and no strategy is actually another strategy, agree or not. However, at the same time, we have the responsibility to take whatever outcome from this strategy and face it.
We tends to blame others when things failed, but the Bible clearly teaches us: Don't try to do anything to impress other human but God.
After all, this may be the best strategy for us to learn throughout our lives.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What I learn from the Epistle to the Hebrews
Monday, July 13, 2009
Trust the next generation - from Christian Times 09.07.05
THEY are different from what you think - from Christian Times 09.07.05
Brenda Lo - from Christian Times 09.07.05
盧業瑂早年是香港商業電台的DJ,在寶麗金、CBS Sony和EMI等唱片公司都製作過大量不同的唱片。她也曾數次演出嘉禾及新藝寶等公司出品的電影,還與明星周潤發和鍾楚紅合作演出過《秋天的童話》。
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Uneasy dream lines
Under the sun, its a bit hot, but I think its good for myself to clear up my mind a bit as I don't really have a sleep last nite. I dreamt for the whole night.
Lately I have been dreaming a lot, but unlike the usual me, I cannot remember my dreams when I woke up. I know I have dreamt something but so few that I can remember. And even i can remember some, I don't quite get the meaning of it.
Just like last week, in the dream I saw the news of the death of president of USA IOC (of course, the name in the dream is definitely is not the real name), and I cannot figure out why I have that dream.
And last night, I dream that I was at a custom counter, and the custom office mistakenly send my backpack to re-check-in on transit. He was very nervous. (No way in real life that any custom office will help you, neither they will feel guilty when they find out that they are wrong.) When he was nervously figuring out what to do to fix it, there is a CCF alumni coming over and saying that she can use her authority at the airport to help me find my backpack.
Hmmm.... so strange... so here and there.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Jesus was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God.
(2Co 13:1-11)
這是我第三次要到你們那裡去。「憑兩三個人的口作見證,句句都要定準。」 我從前說過,如今不在你們那裡又說,正如我第二次見你們的時候所說的一樣,就是對那犯了罪的和其餘的人說:「我若再來,必不寬容。」 你們既然尋求基督在我裡面說話的憑據,我必不寬容。因為,基督在你們身上不是軟弱的,在你們裡面是有大能的。 他因軟弱被釘在十字架上,卻因神的大能仍然活著。我們也是這樣同他軟弱,但因神向你們所顯的大能,也必與他同活。 你們總要自己省察有信心沒有,也要自己試驗。豈不知你們若不是可棄絕的,就有耶穌基督在你們心裡嗎? 我卻盼望你們曉得,我們不是可棄絕的人。 我們求神,叫你們一件惡事都不做;這不是要顯明我們是蒙悅納的,是要你們行事端正,任憑人看我們是被棄絕的吧! 我們凡事不能敵擋真理,只能扶助真理。 即使我們軟弱,你們剛強,我們也歡喜;並且我們所求的,就是你們作完全人。 所以,我不在你們那裡的時候,把這話寫給你們,好叫我見你們的時候,不用照主所給我的權柄嚴厲的待你們;這權柄原是為造就人,並不是為敗壞人。 還有末了的話:願弟兄們都喜樂。要作完全人;要受安慰;要同心合意;要彼此和睦。如此,仁愛和平的神必常與你們同在。
(林後 13:1-11)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Google takes aim at Windows
Jul 08, 2009 08:12 AM
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO – Google Inc. is working on a new operating system for inexpensive computers in a daring attempt to wrest away Microsoft Corp.'s long-running control over people's computing experience.
The new operating system, announced late Tuesday night on Google's website, will be based on the company's nine-month-old Web browser, Chrome. Google intends to rely on help from the community of open-source programmers to develop the Chrome operating system, which is expected to begin running computers in the second half of 2010.
The Mountain View, Calif.-based company disclosed its plans for the operating system shortly after an online technology news service, Ars Technica, and The New York Times telegraphed the news on their websites.
Google is designing the operating system primarily for ``netbooks," a lower-cost, less powerful breed of laptop computers that is becoming increasingly popular among budget-conscious consumers primarily interested in surfing the Web.
The operating system represents Google's boldest challenge yet to its biggest nemesis – Microsoft.
A high-stakes duel between the two technology powerhouses has been steadily escalating in recent years as Google's dominance of the Internet's lucrative search market has given it the means to threaten Microsoft in ways that few other companies can.
Google already has rankled Microsoft by luring away some of its top employees and developing an online suite of computer programs that provide an alternative to Microsoft's top-selling word processing, spreadsheet and calendar applications.
Meanwhile, Microsoft has been trying to thwart Google by investing billions of dollars to improve its own Internet search and advertising systems – to little avail so far. In the past month or so, though, Microsoft has been winning positive reviews and picking up more users with the latest upgrade to its search engine, now called "Bing." Microsoft is hailing the makeover with a $100 million (U.S.) marketing campaign.
Now Google is aiming for Microsoft's financial jugular with Chrome its operating system.
Microsoft has drawn much of its power – and profits – from the Windows operating system that has steered most personal computers for the past two decades.
Google's chief executive, Eric Schmidt, and its co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have made little attempt to conceal their disdain for Windows in recent years.
Schmidt maintains Microsoft sometimes unfairly rigs its operating system to limit consumer choices – something that Microsoft has consistently denied doing. Google fears Microsoft could limit access to its search engine and other products if Windows is set up to favour Microsoft products in the default settings.
Page and Brin have frequently derided Windows as a clunky operating system susceptible to computer viruses and other security problems.
Google made a veiled reference to Windows' perceived shortcomings in its blog posting.
"We hear a lot from our users and their message is clear – computers need to get better," wrote Sundar Pichai, Google's vice president of product management and Linus Upson, Google's engineering director.
A Microsoft spokesman didn't immediately respond to an e-mail request for comment sent early Wednesday morning.
Schmidt and Brin are expected to discuss Google's new operating system later this week when they appear at a media conference hosted by Allen & Co. at the Sun Valley resort in Idaho.
Despite its own power and prominence, Google won't have an easy time changing the status quo that has governed the personal computing industry for so long.
As an example of how difficult it is to topple a long-established market leader, Google estimates about 30 million people are now using its Chrome browser – a fraction of those that rely on Microsoft's market-leading Internet Explorer. And there have been various attempts to develop open-source software to undermine Microsoft with relatively little effect.
The Chrome operating system will run in a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel – computer coding that has been the foundation for the open-source software movement for nearly two decades.
Google has already introduced an operating system for mobile devices, called Android, that vies against various other systems, including ones made by Microsoft and Apple Inc.
The Android system worked well enough to entice some computer makers to begin developing netbooks that will eventually run on it.
Google, though, apparently believes a Chrome-based system will be better suited for running applications in netbooks.
"We believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google," wrote Pichai and Upson.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Shame??? What is the reflection behind it???
When the high-profile-seeking politicians claiming this parade is a "celebration of diversity", do they really understand what is the word "diversity" means? Upcoming "Jesus in the City Parade" on September 19, will they carry the same smile, marching together and shouting the same wordings proudly? Thanks God that among the three main Canada political parties (PC, Lib, NDP), our PM Stephen Harper was not in the parade. This may be the only thing I feel glad about this year Pride Parade.
When NDP Leader Jack Layton saying that this is the way of showing human rights, then my question may be: Where is my right to insist my believe of same sex marriage and premarital sex is wrong? When my religious freedom, freedom of speech are part of my human right, then why will I be classified as "discrimiation" when I declare my objection to those SINs in the public?
I have to clarify, I don't hate those gays and lesbians. I do love them and accept them, making friends with them, eat and play with them, however I would also love to see them turning away from their sin at the same time.
When we talk about human rights, we are at all talking about our "rights as human". Then where is the right for the one who create human? This make me think about the Bible story of "Tower of Babel". We want ourselves to rule the world, but where will God be then? Where is God? or are we trying to prove HIS absence?
Hopefully, as Christians, we should step up and be united. Feel pride to parade for Jesus...!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Good reflection material...
Toronto making me mad as hell
You've heard of road rage, air rage, cubicle rage, retail rage and even gym rage. But is it possible to suffer from city rage?
On Sunday, I returned home from a barbecue to an unpleasant discovery: A fiend had smashed into my locked shed and absconded with my lawn mower.
"Can you believe this?" I asked my wife, who seemed more concerned with the length of our grass than the actual theft. "Our Lawnhog was abducted in broad daylight. What is happening to this city?"
As I stood in the crime scene, examining the shed's mangled door frame, my blood boiled. It wasn't just the electric mower or the oversized black urns (stolen last year) or the fact someone had once squeezed through our kitchen window while we were sleeping, swiping a few household items, including the keys to our car.
No, as I walked toward the front porch, across a slab of sidewalk spray-painted with graffiti, my anger went beyond property theft.
These days, admittedly, everything about Toronto is making me mad: Construction, dirty parks, appalling customer service, endless fees, abysmal leadership, dysfunctional council, inept urban planning, potholes, expensive goods, dilapidated neighbourhoods, aggressive panhandlers, the ongoing futility of our hockey squad.
Toronto the Good has become Toronto the Enraging.
The other night, after ordering sushi, I glanced at the bill and noticed I had been charged for the plastic bag in which our food was delivered. Granted, five cents is no big deal. Still, as I choked down sashimi, I could feel a bad case of city rage burning in my mouth like wasabi.
It wasn't the money. It was the principle.
"Can you believe this?" I asked my wife. "What are we supposed to do? Courier a canvas bag to the restaurant before we order? Next time, maybe I'll ask if the poor delivery guy can balance our miso soup on his head instead of using a bag."
Then there's the municipal strike, which started yesterday. Whether this labour action is short-lived or long lasting, one thing is clear: Once again, honest, hardworking, law-abiding taxpayers are being held hostage by a system that always puts them last.
That should be Toronto's new motto: Where Citizens Are Taken For Granted.
A disruption to garbage pickup after we just started paying new fees for garbage pickup?
Charging residents with "illegal dumping" after they left bags outside a designated transfer station yesterday because pickets had blocked their access?
Sometimes I wonder if we wouldn't be better off if a crime syndicate took over our waste removal system.
Thug: "How much are you throwing out this week, bub?"
Citizen: "Ah, let's see, two bags and a box of recycling."
Thug: "That'll be three bucks. And don't worry about it. You'll never see this stuff again, if you know what I mean."
As it stands now, we do all the work – recycling, reusing, sorting, hauling freakishly big bins to the curb – and keep getting told that we're not doing enough. We pay a lot of protection money for not a lot of protection.
The shuttering of daycare centres is also galling. Shouldn't "taking care of children" be deemed an essential service in a civil society? Believe me, young parents are already struggling with a raft of recessionary realities.
That's right, I forgot, "reality" is never a factor in a municipal strike.
And let's not get started on the cancellation of island ferry service, parks maintenance or summer camps. Why, it's enough to make a person drink – assuming, that is, LCBO workers aren't also on strike tomorrow morning.
What is happening to this city? It is making us furious.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
陸哲話係犧牲,珠珠表妹覺得係等待,明亮的答案最現實 ─ 「愛情是現在,活在當下,總之要珍惜眼前人。」
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Money can influence economy, but not our Hearts
15萬燭光 港人驕傲 維園爆滿5萬人未能入場
新一代發言致悼辭 平反六四薪火相傳
近半人獻出第一點光 明報民調 出席原因﹕四分一人憂下一代遺忘
六四出生 左派之後﹕一日不平反 一日不慶祝
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Song of My Heart
作曲:謝國維 填詞:黃偉文 編曲:謝國維 監製:伍樂城
謝:只得我 望見你 關起了心扉
猶如合上 貝殼的傳奇
若世間疏忽 從未細味
劉:讓那些蠢人 庸人嫌棄你
合:切莫讓人 影響了你 信仰你的真理
*謝:如滄海深處 埋藏著遺珠(劉:埋藏著遺珠)
其實你好處 個個也不知
劉:唯獨我先可以 明白上帝構思
合:於沙礫裡 找到 璀璨珍珠
劉:人家冤枉你 平凡悶孩子(謝:如像孩子)
但是你心事 我不信
合:但天知 誰可以*
劉:大概這種 非一般的美
謝:慧眼太少 旁人未賞識你
劉:因再 極客氣 差點算謙卑
謝:從來沒對 愛 有所預期
謝:若世界疏忽 從未細味
劉:讓那些蠢人 庸人忘記你
合:要是別人 都不愛你 有我這邊等你
合:唯獨我 留下拍掌
劉:如滄海深處 埋藏著遺珠
謝:其實你好處 個個也不知
唯獨我先可以 明白上帝構思
劉:於沙礫裡 合:找到 璀璨珍珠
劉:人家冤枉你 平凡悶孩子
但是你心事 我不信
謝:但偏偏 合:我可以
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What is faith?
(Rom 4:2-8)
Attack of the Killer Rabbits
A counselor at church camp told of his experience with a nine-year-old boy who started to cry when they turned out the cabin lights the first night. "Was he afraid of the dark?" the counselor asked. "No," the boy replied; "he just didn't want to be attacked by the 'killer rabbits.'" Some older kids at home had told him that there were "killer rabbits" who would come out at night and attack the campers.
Jesus was constantly reassuring the disciples with the words, "Fear not." Their fears betrayed their lack of faith. When one traces these words and their usage throughout the Bible, it seems that one of man's constant needs is to be reassured of the presence and comfort of God almighty. Christians can draw on this presence to find comfort and destroy their fears.
Watch out for "killer rabbits!" They can destroy your peace of mind at camp and throughout life.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Why We Chinese still don't want to face our SIN?
家長得圖 公安恐嚇泄機密
Friday, April 10, 2009
Panama Mission Trip Recap
於青少年營內,作為講員的我,抱著既興奮、又緊張的心情,一半因為過去幾次於營內多是參與遊戲或總務的角色,作講員時心情卻有點不同的感覺。另一半則是預備工作上所遇到凡困難,比較於預備加拿大的營會時多;不單是年齡領域上較大 (參加者由十一至二十歲不等) ,成長背景亦有很大的差異。可是神的恩典卻是大於我們的所想所求,我在當中所學習的亦較我想像的多。是次令會以「導向人生」為主題,在預備其中一天的資料時,神感動我應以「彼此相愛」為題,不知為何卡我內心深處卻存有很大的疑慮,可是我仍抱著信心的去分享。在最後一晚營火會內的分享時間,出乎我意料之外的,是大部份的分享都是圍繞在「彼此相愛」對他們的影響,神的意念真是較我們的意念為高。
在青少年營之後,我們藉著「潑水節」假日,與巴京堂青年團契的弟兄姊妹一同到巴拿馬城以外約個半小時車程的El Valley旅行。藉著與他們在行山、游水等節目與他們多點時間相處,更深入了解他們的生活及掙扎,從而能在之後兩星期的訓練之中,給予更適合的訊息。
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009

我們敬愛的戴紹曾博士(Dr. James H. Taylor III,譯名:泰樂博士)
(original post from 「真証傳播」之 戴紹曾牧師紀念冊 )
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I was begging, crying, urging...
still, not able to make any changes...
I was being left out in the dark...
feeling lonely, feeling lost...
God, please don't let it happen...
please don't
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2 down, one to go?
Today is the first of two days Senior TC, please keep all the students in your prayer.
Monday, March 09, 2009
港男.講女 @ 星期日檔案 2009-03-08
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Kelvin's Panama Updates
Time flies so fast, here we come to the last seven days for my five-weeks mission trip.
Thank you for His opportunity, He let all of us who are in the youth camp learn a lot within those five days, serving or participating, including myself. Among the 112 participants, almost 50 of them are first-time comers. And almost 50 of these teens are non-Christians. The topic: Look for your purpose of life – Trust in the Lord, with the theme verse Proverbs 3:5-6, helping everyone of us to know more about our real meaning of life, especially how to love one another. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, 39 decide to become Christians, 96 (obviously including some recent converts) dedicate their daily lives to God, and 18 among all willing to commit for full-time ministry if that is the willing of God. Praise the Lord. Please keep praying for these teens. You can see their pictures here: http://stupidxteam.blogspot.com/2009/02/photos-in-panama.html
We were then able to visit el Valley, a dead volcano turned village, to have some fun for four days. We spend 5 hours to conquer a 900m-high mountain (the name of the mountain: sleeping princess), and we also spend a few hours at the beach (the water is really salty). You can go to my photos at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=68902&id=514761224&l=7c07e and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=68906&l=d3c07&id=514761224. We had a wonderful trip as we all learnt together how to support each other during difficult times, especially when we are walking up the hill. Also because of some miscommunication, some of us have to head back to Panama City before our trip ends, but that miscommunication also teaches every one of us how to care about brothers and sisters around us.
These events also help the short term mission team to ease up some of the tension among the youth fellowship which due to the rapid growth. The fellowship has now 40 people compares to the 20-25 last year. Please pray for the fellowship. Pray that God will give them strength and wisdom so that everyone in the fellowship can enjoy a healthy spiritual grow.
Also have to give thanks to God despite the snow storm in US kept them from return to Canada for a day due to flight cancellation, they are now safely back home. Please keep praying for me, as I will have two trainings on Thursday and Friday night, while having a workshop during Saturday fellowship. And pray for me for a safe trip back on Tuesday night.
Again, thank you for your prayer support.
Kelvin in Panama
Monday, March 02, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
This verse best describe my most needed learning during the trip.
Just like Saturday. Thirty minutes before my first of nine message in eight days (yes, add Sunday school before my Sunday Service message), Satan definitely want to remind me that he will not let any opportunity to beat me to slip away.
It was when my laptop was being "flood" by an accident during the fellowship dinner. It was nobody fault. However, we found out that my laptop was not able to turn on after that. To be honest, at that moment, I am really desperate. Someone whispered to me, do you need a prayer? I don't know what to answer. The only thing I am talking to God... What? No...!!!
However, God really showing to the fellowship, He prepares. One of the brothers eventually bring a small screwdriver with him, and the most important, he knows how to fix a laptop. Within three hours, my laptop was being restored, backup and ready to go.
When I saw him fixing it, the only wordings in my mind, was the sermon I am going to preach Sunday morning. 'When Peter saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" '
I ask myself, Kelvin, why are you having so little faith?
I feel shame of myself, I should have know that even though the laptop cannot be recovered, my messages is still on. Why bother on the little computer?
Sorry God, I fell into Satan's trap again, I almost failed.
Thankyou for bailed me out, as the message went well Saturday night(at least this is what I believe).
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Camp preparation day
Saturday is really a camp preparation day. Meeting in the morning and training at night.
It's really amazing that the brothers and sisters can cook good food despite having no water supply at the church. For us in North America, I am pretty sure we will have take out already. Fight against adversity, this is really what we should learn.


Friday, February 06, 2009
First two days in Panama
Thanks for pastor Wilson for having me a big papaya, its much better than the 6-inches subway in Canada. Sweet and cool... taking some heat off my body.
Have to take some good rest tonight, as it will be meeting Saturday morning and training in the evening...
Please pray for my health and the youth camp.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Struggles to start – A Spiritual Warfare
Its really tough to start your mission trip with a day of spiritual warfare, however, God does not allow me to give up.
First, due to some reason named this and that, I have no sleep at all last night. Well, I don't feel sleepy, but clearly I am not well functioned.
Second, I keep asking myself this morning, what have I left not yet packed? I think, I think and I think. Nothing, should not be anything. At the airport: it's the Bible…! What? Yes, going mission trip without carrying your Bible. What a shame…!
Money, this is my fault actually, I forget to go buy US dollars, thus have to rush to the bank to get some. Thanks God, just a small line up, but the rate has gone up today.
Then, Hwy 401 got an accident, a huge parking lot. What a normal thing to happen on your not normal day. Thanks God, there is hwy 407, although its toll.
At the check in counter I was bumped up from 1240 flight to 1130. Messing my plan of having a peaceful lunch at the airport, as I was told only 15 minutes for custom and boarding. But finally the flight is delayed for another 30 minutes without notice. I am ok, as God already practice me with no lunch on Tuesday. Wow, how amazing the arrangement is…!
A phone call to Bell customer service shock me with the news of outgoing txt msg in US cost 60cents, it used to be included in my plan…!!! Well, the phone company never tells you that they secretly increase their charges in your already expensive phone bill. But thanks God for reminding me to call Bell before I am in US stupidly thinking that everything is free when its is fee.
Emotions build up during the wait for the flight. All my low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, worry to fail… all suddenly build up during that waiting period. What a big spiritual warfare. Thanks God for cooling me down, as I have to walk outdoor to aboard the plane under the -20 windchill.
The struggles seems not wanting to end after leaving Toronto, and a good 90 minutes of sleep during the flight.
At Newark Airport, I was already deadly hungry, yes, the airline now cut cost to the point not even give nuts or water to u…! The terminal map clearly stated that A&W is there… the only food store that interest me. However, what I saw when I arrived is a big renovation wall. Sigh… okie, I try find something for me interest to eat, and I finally found this store with "Loaded Fries", fries with cheese and bacon, yummy…! But fat tummy…!
Emotional struggles come up again during the three hours wait. I keep asking God, why its me? Is that always me who has the problem? Why always not being correctly understood, or being misunderstood or not even not willing to understand me… Why it has to be me who is wrong every time? Am I look so bad that not worthy to be trusted? Why I cannot be myself? Why its wrong for me to choose? Why? Why? And Why? These are questions I know that I should not have asked. But there they are. Faith, where is my faith to God? Hope, where is my hope to God? Love, where is my love to God? Hey Kelvin, wake up, stand up, keep fighting… its battle time…! I know I have to fight, but I need to regroup myself. I got five hours up high in the sky (closer to God??) for me to do that, God, thank you for these five hours. I really need that very much.
During those five hours, a lot of turbulence, real turbulence, however, always peaceful after going thru it. Like my emotions, turbulence, but peaceful after all.
Last but not least have to thank all the brothers and sister for their hospitality.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Faith is all I am asking for...
Its ironic that I know God is giving me the best, but I don't think I am having the best now. I need faith to believe the God has already given me the best, its just I have yet to understand it.
Its ironic as I want to understand so many "Why?"s in my mind, but I also understand that there are so may "Why?"s are not able to understand. I need faith to believe that God has His reason to allow all those "Why?"s to happen.
Its ironic that I want to see my future, but on the other hand, everyone know that you will never know your future except I am convinced that I am going to Heaven after death. I need faith to believe that God is taking good care of my future.
Its ironic that I know that I should not have to worry, but I always worry about this and that. I need faith to believe that God is in control and I really have nothing to worry.
Its ironic that I know that I should follow the Will of God, however, I always feel pain occurs when doing that. I need faith to believe that following His will is the most enjoyable one, and no pain really no gain.
Its ironic that you know that Satan is going to attack you so that you don't have faith to serve Him, but I always fall into Satan's temptations. I need a lot of faith to believe that I can fight as long as I am walking with God, even though sometime I might fall.
Life is full of irony. But FAITH TO BELIEVE will always overruled these ironies.
God, please, let me have more FAITH so that I can BELIEVE.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
She asked, "Why do you love me?"
我也曾問他: 你為什麼會喜歡我呢?
他說: 喜歡上一個人,很多時候,是基於無知。
Monday, January 19, 2009
Goal 2009
God told me two weeks ago, and remind me again today.
During the sunday school two weeks ago, God gave me my theme scriptures for the year.
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(2Pe 1:5-8)
(彼得後書 1:5-8)
I do have faith, and I believe myself are trying my best for goodness. Knowledge, I trust myself will not be lower than a certain standard. However, when reaching self-control... sigh.
Not matter how much knowledge, if I do not have self-control, knowledge really means nothing. Not to mention the steadfastness and things coming after that.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
A New Year, A New Page
What's new for 2009?
A New Page.
Pray that I can change my bad habits, so that I can have a closer relationship with God in 2009.